• Type: Project
  • Department: Project Management
  • Project ID: PRM0042
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 96 Pages
  • Methodology: Statistical Analysis
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 385
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  The  construction  industry  is  known  to  be  highly  fragmented  in  that  it  requires  the  inputs  of numerous parties to deliver a project. The fragmentation of the construction process necessitates effective integration of the numerous parties and the major tool for achieving this integration is effective communication. This study investigates the communication tools used in project delivery, key indicators  of  team integration  in  construction project. The  objectives are to  evaluate the factors affecting project team integration, to ascertain the influence of key indicators towards determining the success of the team, the project team involvement in key project activities, level of use of available communication tools and the relationship between communication tools and key  indicators  of  team  integration.  A  field  survey  involving  selected  built  environment professionals namely: project managers, Architects, Builders, Quantity Surveyors and engineers who  are  engaged  by  Construction  firms  in  Lagos  State  was  carried  out.  One  hundred  (100) structured  questionnaires  were  administered  to  the  respondents.  81.0%  of  the  questionnaires administered  were  returned,  while  78.0%  of  the  questionnaires  were  used  for  the  study. Percentage was used to analyse the respondent’s profile while mean score was used to analyse factors affecting team integration and use of key indicators of team integration. Furthermore, Chi-square were used to test the hypothesis of the study. Results showed that commitment to project objectives, project team  approach and top management support to the project top the factors affecting team integration. It further revealed that single team focus on objectives, clear roles and responsibility, participation from the team members are the top three indicators of project team integration.  It  was  discovered  that  project  estimation,  project  meeting  participation  and attendance, and project change orders constituted the top three project activities with the highest involvement of project team members in project delivery. The study also discovered that there is a significant relationship between the use of communication tools and project team integration in construction project delivery in Lagos State.  It was concluded that effective use of communication tools, top level management support and commitment among team member to project objectives contribute  significantly  towards  successful  project  team  integration  in  construction  project delivery. Based on these findings, it was recommended that stakeholders on construction project should develop modalities to ensure commitments among team members to project objective(s), appropriate team approach  and top level management support for the project in order to fostering project team integration. Also, effective use of available communication tools such as telephone call, drawings and program of work and in particular new communication tools such as cash flow forecast, Building  Information  Modelling (BMI) and  video conferencing  in  project delivery is advocated to enhance team integration and on time project delivery.  Keywords:  Communication  tools,  Lagos  State,  Nigerian  Construction  industry,  Project delivery, Project team integration

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................  ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. 

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................

1.1  Background to the Study..............................................................1 

1.2  Statement of Problem .........................................................3 

1.3  Research Questions ..........................................................4 

1.4  Aim and Objectives of the Study ..................................................................5 

1.4.1  Aim of the Study.................................................................5 

1.4.2  Objectives of the Study .................................................................5 

1.5  Research Hypotheses ................................................................5 

1.6  Significance of the Study ...................................................................5 

1.7  Scope and Delimitation of the Study .......................................................................6 

1.8  Definition of Operational Terms .............................................7 

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 8 2.1  Preamble .......................................................................8 

2.2  Communication in Construction ........................................................8

 2.2.1  Communication Tools in the Construction Industry ............................ 10 

2.2.2  Characteristics of Communication ..................................................................................... 10 2.2.3  Communication Channels ..................................................... 11 

2.2.4  Effects of Communication in Construction Industry .......................................................... 12 

2.2.5  Communications Models ................................................................................................... 13 2.3  Communication at Conception/Design Stage .................................... 16

 2.4  Communication during Approval by the Planning Authority ........................... 16 

2.4.1  Structure Plans ....................................................................................... 17 

2.4.2  Local Plans ............................................................................. 17

 2.5  Communication between Design Team and Building Team ............................ 17

 2.6     Communication within Contractor’s Organisation ............................. 18 

2.7  Communication between Parties on Site ......................................... 18 

2.8  Stakeholders in the Construction Industry ..................................................... 18 

2.9 External Communication..................................................... 19

 2.10  Internal Communication .............................................................. 19 

2.11  Project Team Integration ........................................................... 19 

2.12  Project Team Integration Key Relationship Indicators ................................ 20 

2.12.1  ‘No blame’ Culture/Shared Blame by Team Members ................... 21 

2.12.2  Seamless Operation with No Organisational Defined Boundaries ................. 21 

2.12.3  Free Flow Communication .......................................................... 22 

2.12.4  Sharing Information ..................................................................... 23 

2.12.5  Trust & Respect among Team Members ...................................... 24

 2.12.6  Collective Understanding ............................................... 25 

2.12.7  Commitment from Top Management ............................................... 26 

2.12.8  Single Team Focus and Objective................................................... 26 

2.12.9  Team Flexibility and Responsiveness to Change .................................. 27 

2.12.10   Integrated ICT Systems .......................................................... 28 

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODS ........................................................................... 29 3.1  Preamble .................................................................................................................................... 29 

3.2  Research Design ......................................................................................................................... 29 

3.3  Area of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 30 

3.4  Population of the Study ............................................................................................................. 30 3.5  Sample Size Determination ........................................................................................................ 31 3.4  Sampling Techniques ................................................................................................................. 31 3.5  Research Instrument .................................................................................................................. 32 3.6  Validity of Instrument ................................................................................................................ 33 3.7  Reliability of Instrument ............................................................................................................ 34 3.8  Procedures for Data Collection .................................................................................................. 35 3.9  Tools for Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 36 CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT ............................................................. 37 4.1  Preamble .................................................................................................................................... 37 4.2  Response to Questionnaire Administration ............................................................................... 37 4.3  Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents of the Study ................................................ 38 4.4  Characteristics of Projects Sampled ........................................................................................... 40 4.5  Factors Affecting Project Team Integration in Construction Project Delivery ........................... 42 4.6  Key Indicators of Project Team Integration ............................................................................... 43 4.7  Level of Project Team Involvement in Key Project Activities in Construction Project Delivery in Lagos State ............................................................................................................................................. 46 4.8  Levels of Use of Available Communication Tools in Project Delivery in Lagos State ................. 48 

viii  4.9  Relationship between use of available communication tools in project delivery and project team integration. ................................................................................................................................... 50 CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................. 71 

5.1  Summary of Findings .................................. 71 

5.2  Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 72

 5.3  Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 73

 5.4  Contribution to knowledge ........................................................................................................ 74 

5.5  Areas of Future Research ........................................................................................................... 74 

REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 75 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 79                    

ix  LIST OF TABLES  Table 2. 1: The summary of the various Comment models and summarised interpretations ........... 14  Table 3. 1: Reliability Statistics ......................................................................................................... 35  Table 4. 1: Descriptive result of response to questionnaires administered ....................................... 37 Table 4. 2: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents ................................................................. 38 Table 4. 3: Characteristics of the Project ........................................................................................... 40 Table 4. 4: Mean scores of Factors Affecting Project Team Integration in Construction  ................ 42 Table 4. 5: Mean Scores of Key Indicators of Project Team Integration in project delivery............ 44 Table 4. 6: Level of Project Team Involvement in Key Project Activities  ...................................... 47 Table 4. 7: Levels of Use of Available Communication Tools in Project Delivery.......................... 49 Table 4. 8: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                  single team focus on project objectives .......................................................................... 51 Table 4. 9: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and         inconsistent or restricted shared vision ........................................................................... 52 Table 4. 10: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                    free flow communication process ................................................................................... 53 Table 4. 11: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and        participation from the team members. ............................................................................ 54 Table 4. 12: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                   trust and respect among team member’s relationships. .................................................. 55 Table 4. 13: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and           collective understanding: consultation before decision are made. ................................. 56 Table 4. 14: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                   “No blame” culture within the team. .............................................................................. 57 Table 4. 15: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                  team flexibility and responsiveness to change. ............................................................... 58 Table 4. 16: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and           feedback capability among project team. ....................................................................... 59 Table 4. 17: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and        appropriate technology adopted for the project. ............................................................. 60 Table 4. 18: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and            seamless operation without boundaries. ......................................................................... 61 Table 4. 19: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and          Integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system. ....................... 62 Table 4. 20: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                 focus on learning and continuous improvement. ............................................................ 63 Table 4. 21: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and      transparency and open-book. .......................................................................................... 64 Table 4. 22: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and          consensus decision making/stakeholders involvement in the decision                    making /communication processes on the project. ......................................................... 65 Table 4. 23: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and        commitment to innovation. ............................................................................................. 66 Table 4. 24: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and     stakeholders’ satisfaction with project scope. ................................................................ 67 Table 4. 25: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and           acceptance of style of communication and reporting system. ........................................ 68 

x  Table 4. 26: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and         acceptance of project control standard adopted by the team. ......................................... 69 Table 4. 27: Chi-Square test results of correlation between communication tools and                  clear roles and responsibility. ......................................................................................... 70                            

xi  LIST OF FIGURES  Figure 2. 1: The three communication channels of the project manager. ......................................... 11 Figure 2. 2: The Lasswell Formula model for communication. ........................................................ 15                          


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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Project Management
  • Project ID: PRM0042
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 96 Pages
  • Methodology: Statistical Analysis
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 385
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    Type Project
    Department Project Management
    Project ID PRM0042
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 96 Pages
    Methodology Statistical Analysis
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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