• Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM2914
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 67 Pages
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.1K
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This research work examined Effect of Leadership Style on Workers’ Performance of Manufacturing firms in Enugu State. A study of Alo Aluminium Manufacturing Company and Emenite Nigeria Limited. The objectives of the study include to: find out how Autocratic leadership style affects employee commitment, ascertain the relationship between Autocratic leadership style and workers absenteeism and determine the effect of Autocratic leadership style on punctuality of the workers. The major instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. The sources of data were the primary and secondary sources. The population of the study was 166 while the sample size of 117 was determined using the Taro Yamane’s formula. The data collected was presented in tables of frequencies, percentages using the five point likert scale. The hypotheses were tested using the chi-square distribution formula. The findings included that autocratic leadership style does not have a positive effect on employee commitment, Autocratic leadership style has a significant relationship with absenteeism and autocratic leadership style has no positive effect on punctuality of the workers. The researcher concluded that autocratic leadership style does not have a positive effect on workers performance of manufacturing firms and it was recommended that the management of manufacturing firms should try to involve the employees in the decision making process of the organization in order to get their commitment to the organization, management of manufacturing firms should  look for the appropriate and effective leadership style in order to reduce employees’ absenteeism and Management of manufacturing organizations should also adopt effective leadership style that will improve on the punctuality of the workers.  
1.1     Background of the Study                        
1.2     Statement of the Problem                        
1.3     Objectives of the Study                         
1.4     Research Questions                            
1.5     Statement of Hypotheses                         
1.6     Significance of the Study                        
1.7    Scope of the Study                             
1.8    Limitations of the Study                        
2.1    Conceptual Framework                        
2.2     Theoretical Framework of the Study                
2.3    Empirical Review                              
2.4 Summary of Review of Related Literature            
2.5 Gap in the review of the related literature            
3.1    Research Design                            
3.2    Sources of Data                            
3.2.1     Primary Sources                            
3.2.2 Secondary Sources                            
3.3    Area of the Study                            
3.4     Population of the Study                        
3.5    Sample Size Determination                     
3.6     Instruments for Data Collection                
3.7    Validity of the Instrument                     
3.8    Reliability of the Instrument                    
3.9     Method of Data Presentation and Analysis        
4.1    Data Presentation and Analysis                 
4.2    Bio-Data                                    
4.3     Data Relating To Research Questions            
4.3.1 Research Question One                        
4.3.2 Research Question Two                        
4.3.3 Research Question Three                        
4.4    Test of Hypotheses                            
4.4.1 Test of Hypothesis One                        
4.4.2 Test of Hypothesis Two                        
4.4.3 Test of Hypothesis Three                        
4.5    Discussion of Findings                         
4.5.1 Discussion Based on Hypothesis One            
4.5.2: Discussion Based on Hypothesis Two            
4.5.3: Discussion Based on Hypothesis Three            
5.1    Summary of Findings                         
5.2     Conclusion                                 
5.3     Recommendations                             
5.4    Contribution to Knowledge                     
5.5     Suggestions for further Research                
List of References                             
Appendix    A                                
Appendix    B                                
1.1    Background of the Study
    The power of the social media in the 21st century in transforming the social system cannot be over emphasized. The social media has been described as one of the most effective sources of social change in recent times due to the major role it has played in the political religious, economical, educational and social cultural spheres of the society (Ebosatela, 2009). Infact, any organization that does not utilize the power of the social media in this time, could be regarded as backward and unprogressive.
    Ojo (2010) opines that the benefits to be derived from social media are innumerable, they include that the social media is an easy way to learn about your customers, social media helps target audiences more effectively, helps find new customers and expand your audience, allows you to receive instant feedback from your customers, improve market intelligence and helps you get ahead of your customers, share content easier and faster, create meaningful relationships with customers, helps increase your brand awareness etc.
One major area in which the social media has been very effective is in the discourse, that it is a conduit of beneficial information to entrepreneurs (Smith, 2011). Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of the Nigerian economy. It is the cradle of job and wealth creation in the most innovative ways.
The prosperity and progress of a nation, depends on the quality of its people (Adeyemi, 2012). If they are enterprising, ambitious, and courageous enough to bear the risk, the community/society will develop quickly. Such people are identified as entrepreneurs and their character reflects entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is no monopoly of any religion or community (Timus, 2009). Entrepreneurial potential can be found and developed any where irrespective of age, qualification, experience, or socio-economic background, only efforts are required in the right direction.
    Entrepreneurship may not be regarded as a sufficient condition for growth activity, but is surely a necessary condition (Destipande, 2008), hence it must be given top priority in the national programmes of a country. It is widely acknowledged in entrepreneurship literature that entrepreneurship is about people who realize new opportunities. Entrepreneurs are persistent, passionate, adaptable and able to take risks. As a result, entrepreneurship can occur in a range of environments. However, at the core of entrepreneurship lies the creation of new business ventures by individuals or teams (Murthy, 2010).
    A small business unit, is thus an enterprise, its owner, an entrepreneur and his activities are the entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a human activity development. It indicates the spirit of enterprise. Such spirit transforms the man from a nomad to a cattle reared, to a settled agriculturist, to a trader and an industrialist (Jeng 2006:54).
    Therefore, anything that will play a role in the development of entrepreneurship in Nigeria is a welcome development. Social media like twitter, allow entrepreneurs to locate their current customers or seek out potential customers (Simon, 2012). For example, if you open a bakery in your neighbourhood, you can create a geo- search in Hootsuite to locate anyone tweeting bread, you can start reaching out to them and invite them to come and try your bread in the bakery. Despite all these benefits inherent in social media, entrepreneurs are finding it difficult in integrating social media in the development of their business. It is based on this backdrop that the researcher wants to examine social media as a tool for growth of entrepreneurship in Enugu Metropolis.
1.2    Statement of the Problem
    The consequences of not integrating social media in entrepreneurship development are devastating. Entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis have not really adopted social media in the day to day running of their businesses. This has resulted in decline in profitability. Social media is a powerful tool of being in contact with so may people. When not fully adopted the entrepreneurs in Enugu have lost this opportunity of increasing their net profit base.
    Difficulty in increasing customer base is another problem facing entrepreneurs as a result of not adopting social media in their business. This is because, social media is known to have the ability of assisting entrepreneurs to locate many customers in their business.
    Inability to increase brand awareness is another problem facing entrepreneurs as a result of not adopting social media. This is because through social media, entrepreneurs can advertise their brand to so many customers.  
1.3    Objectives of the Study
    The general objective of the study is to examine the social media as a tool for growth of entrepreneurship.    However, the specific objectives of the study include.
1.    To find out how social media affects the profitability of entrepreneurs in Enugu Metropolis.
2.    To ascertain the relationship between social media and customer base of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis.
3.    To determine the effect of social media on brand awareness of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis.
1.4    Research Questions
    Based on the objectives of the study, the following research questions were raised
1.    How does social media affect the profitability of entrepreneurs in Enugu Metropolis?
2.    What is the relationship between social media and customer base of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis?
3.    What is the effect of social media on brand awareness of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis?
1.5    Statement of Hypotheses
    Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated
Hypothesis One
Ho:     Social media does not positively affect the profitability of entrepreneurs in Enugu Metropolis.
Hypothesis Two
Ho:     Social media does not have a significant relationship with customer base of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis.
Hypothesis Three
Ho:     Social media does not have a positive effect on brand awareness of entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis.
1.6    Significance of the Study
This research is very important because it examines social media: a tool for growth of entrepreneurship in Enugu metropolis. Entrepreneurs will benefit from this research because they will be more enlightened on how social media can help in the growth of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. The researcher will benefit from the research, as it is a partial requirement for the award of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Business Administration. The universities will also benefit from the research as it increases their data bank. Finally, this research study serves as a reference material for further study on this topic.
1.7    Scope of the Study
    The academic scope of this study is social media as a tool for growth of entrepreneurship. The geographic scope is  Enugu metropolis, while the time scope is between 2016-2017.
 1.8    Limitations of the Study
    The researcher encountered some impediments in the course of carrying out this research work. Among them were finance, time and uncooperative attitude of respondents.
Finance: The researcher spent some money on transport visiting the selected entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis.
Time: The researcher carried out part of this research work, during the time for lectures. This made the researcher to miss some lectures.
Uncooperative Attitude of the Respondents: The respondents, were economical with information, but when they realized that the research was for academic purpose, they gave out useful information.
Akinseye, S. (2009) “The Relevance of Social Media in Promoting Small Scale Industries”. Journal of Humanities" and Social Sciences 1(3):66.
Ebosatela, P. (2009) Business Networking. Shaping Collaboration between Networking Enterprises. Lagos; University Press.
Ojo, F. (2010) Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach. Ibadan: University Press.
Simon, A (2012) Social Media Networking for Small and Medium Scale Businesses: Journal of Business and Management 7(9): 64-66.
Smith, L. (2011) “Social Media and Business Growth. Why Small/Medium-Scale Enterprises in the Developing World should take an Advantage of it”. Journal of Management. 3(6): 78-79.

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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM2914
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 67 Pages
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.1K
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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM2914
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 67 Pages
    Methodology Chi Square
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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