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ABSTRACT             This project is design and construction of a sound detector with alarm system was done primarily to detector sound. It can be use in industrial and domestics. It employ four discreet stages with power supply which power the system.             The 1st block is pick up amplifier containing the microphone... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is design and construction of a sound detector with alarm system was done primarily to detector sound. It can be use in industrial and domestics. It employ four discreet stages with power supply which power the system. The 1st block is pick up amplifier containing... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1.          Background of the Study The industrial Electronics has changed the whole field of Engineering and technology is occurring so rapidly, even in developing countries. It is so because newer technologies overcome older ones. After the industrial revolution the world shifted towards the information... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work deals on the Design and Construction of Intruder Detector Alarm System with Direction/Location Displaywhich is capable of detecting intrusion at any location, sound and alarm and display the exact location of the intruder using... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER ONE 1.0    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY     Generally, the study of Igbo language has received renewed interest and attention from scholars. The renewed interest has been a cheering development especially in the increasing period of demand and expectation... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study presents a comparative analysis of the sound system of Umuchu dialect and Standard Igbo Language with the objective of Comparing and finding the similarities and difference and also identifying the mutual intelligibility of the dialect and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all  about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study Through the ages agriculture production systems have benefited from the incorporation of technological advances primarily developed for other industries. The industrial age brought mechanization and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT As the world is developing the need for electronics in human endeavor is now taking a larger scope. With the invention of certain electronics gadgets in our societies today, certain activities become easily handled for example; in communication where the telephone plays a part.  In places where safety are needed an alarm system will be... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1             INTRODUCTION The light sensitive alarm is an electronic circuit that detects a sudden shadow falling on the light sensor and sounds the bleeper. When this happens, the circuit will respond to gradual charges in brightness to avoid false alarm. The beeper sounds for only a short time to prevent the battery... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The term “critical point” is sometimes used to denote specifically the vapour-liquid critical point of a material. The vapour-liquid   point denotes the condition above which distinct liquid and gas phases so not exist. The project, the construction of critical temperature measuring instrument is aimed at measuring the critical... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1             INTRODUCTION The light sensitive alarm is an electronic circuit that detects a sudden shadow falling on the light sensor and sounds the bleeper. When this happens, the circuit will respond to gradual charges in brightness to avoid false alarm. The beeper sounds for only a short time to prevent the battery... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Fire disaster is a great threat to lives and properties, and it accounts for over 70% of total loss of properties and about 20% of total loss of lives every year in Nigeria. Although some conventional fire preventive systems have been developed which are not enough to take prompt action during fire, save properties, and ultimately save... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0             INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF PROBLEM           Fire detection system are safety system. They monitor rooms and buildings continuously for indication of fire outbreak and give alarm directly if one occurs.           Both the British Factory Acts 1961 and the officers shops and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project report is a thesis written specifically to cover the design analysis construction, test and packaging of a multipurpose security system from electric component that can be easily be obtainable from the market. The report discusses the various unit and stages of the alarm system, thesis include:- a)     Clock generation... Continue Reading
        TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement CHAPTER ONE – INTRODUCTION Background of problem Structure of the problem Objective of the study Scope and limitation Importance of the study Definition of terms Design of the system Layout for... Continue Reading
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