COMPARATIVE STUDY/ANALYSIS OF TOXICOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF FLUTED PUMPKIN LEAVE (UGU) telfairia occidentalis CULTIVATED WITH NPK FERTILIZER AND ANIMAL MANURE ABSTRACT Telfairia occidentalis is a member of the family cucurbiteae and is indigenous to southern Nigeria as a drought –tolerant dioecious perennial crop that is usually... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Sickle cell disease is a hereditary condition that result from a single glutamic acid to valine substitution of position 6 of the beta globin polypeptide chain. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. This glutamic aicd being subsituted by valine is characterized by drastic reduction in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Bacteriological examination of tobacco powder was carried out to identify the presence of bacterial organisms involved during and after processing of tobacco powder. Six (6) genera of bacteria were isolated from different samples of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A general analysis of bark and leave of some indigenous wood species was carried out with the aim of establishing whether their percentage tannin content is high enough to be of commercial value. The results obtained from the four species examined, show the percentage tannin to be 12.7%,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Citrus maxima (shaddock) is a medicinal plant used in Asia, and in some parts of Africa, because they are rich in flavonoids and some other phytoconstituent which contributed to their wide range of biological activities ranging from anti-inflammatory activity, antioxidant activity and anti tumor activity. Inflammation is the biochemical... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Moringa Oleifera seed and leaves used in Eastern Nigeria have an impressive range of multipurpose medicinal uses with high nutritional values. However, to be clinically used, more scientific data are needed. The aim of this present study is to extract... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The investigation of phytochemicals content in white yam and water yam are natural bioactive compounds presented in plants diatary fibre to protect against disease according to Okwu (2004). Research works have shown the phytochemicals working in conjunction with the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The antibacterial activity of three types of medicated soaps on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound infections samples were collected from fifty individual with wound infection within the age range of 9-73 years. Swabsticks were used to... Continue Reading
A CASE STUDY OF ESUT TEACHING HOSPITAL (PARK LANE) ENUGU ABSTRACT The incidence of nematode in the fecal samples of pregnant woman in Enugu metropolis was carried out on sampled population of one hundred and fifty (150) pregnant women. Were collected from these women in a... Continue Reading
COMPARISON OF WHITE YAM (Dioscorea Rotundata) AND AERIAL YAM (Dioscorea Bulbifera) CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Yam as an Edible Tuber Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea (family Dioscoreacea) that form edible tubers. Yams are perennial beerbaceceous vines cultivated for consumption of their starchy tuber in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was to determine the prevalence of M. tuberculosis in Enugu metropolis. The study was done using five areas in Enugu metropolis, Ogui Road, Onu Asata, Obiagu, Agbani Road and Okpara Avenue. Among the five areas used Agbani Road has the highest positive prevalence... Continue Reading
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Lonchocarpus cyanescens (ELU) AND Dialium guineense (ICHEKU) ON THE LIPID PROFILE OF STREPTOZOTOCIN INDUCED DIABETIC ALBINO RATS ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the effect of ethanoic extract of Lonchocarpus cyanescens and Dialium guineense on the lipid profile of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Galvanic cathodic protection involves protecting a metal surface of a piece of equipment using another metal that is more reactive. The latter metal, usually called the galvanic or sacrificial anode, has a less negative electrochemical potential compared to the metal component being protected. Therefore, the sacrificial anode undergoes... Continue Reading
Abstract The study was on the maintenance and repair of IMT fish Pond at Botanical garden. The specific objectives were: to examine the methods for the maintenance of IMT Fish Pond; to determine how maintenance the IMT Fish Pond and to examine the challenge and solutions for IMT fish Pond... Continue Reading
HEPATOTOXICITY OF THE ETHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF Enantia chlorantha ROOT ON WISTAR ALBINO RATS ABSTRACT The root of Enantia chlorontha was assayed for its hepatotoxicity effect. Extacts from the root were made using 95% ethanol. The root extracts were administered orally to 15 wistar albino rats and varying doses. 5 rats were kept as control group. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study of public health implications of prostate enlargement was carried out. Prostate is a gland that produces the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine passes out of the body. An enlarged prostate also... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Mosquito borne disease is a major public health problem globally, particularly the tropics being the major spot in the spread of malaria. The development of resistance to chemical insecticides has necessitated the research and development of natural mosquito repellent. The aim of this study is to extract, characterize and test the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) associated with gaseous spoilage of modified – atmosphere – packaged, raw, tomato – marinated boiler meat striped were identified on the basis of a restriction fragment. Lactic acid bacteria are the dominant spoilage organisms in vacuum or modifies atmosphere – packaged meat products. Spoilage is mainly... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Enteric fever is caused by a rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria with Pesitrichus flagella known as Salmonella Typhi. Entero bactrioceal and unhabit the large bowel of human including children. They are found in most food poisoning and traceable to fecal contaminants. They grow both acrobically and anaerobically and are the main cause... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The cathode ray Oscilloscope plays a very important role in the laboratories, for instance it is used to measure frequency and voltage of a signal it is equally used for study current fluctuation in electric power supply the cathode ray oscilloscope is made up of three major part, they are the cathode ray tube, which is the major... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The evaluation of antimicrobial activities of five (5) brands of differentlocally produced soap sold in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo state was carried out against some selected pathogenic organisms (Staphylococcus aureus,Enterobacteraerogenes,Bacillus cereus,Shigelladysentaries,Salmonella typhin, Candida... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Tropical almond (Terminally catappa) fruit used in Eastern Nigeria have an impressive range of multipurpose medicinal uses with nutritional values. However, to be clinically used, more scientific data are needed. The goal of this study was to investigate the composition and nutritional properties of tropical almond. The seed of tropical... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The evaluation of microbiological quality of tank water at the Institute of Management and Technology campus III Enugu was carried out by using ten samples of water obtained from ten different tank waters. For viable plate count for the presence of pathogenic organisms and organisms indicating organic matter pollution, plating technique... Continue Reading
SYNOPSIS Quality control can be seen as the activities that sustain the quality of a product in order to satisfy a given requirement or meet certain standards. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary, 2003). It is applicable in all phases of the production cycle. In food products, qualities such as composition, structure (molecular, microscopic and macroscopic),... Continue Reading