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DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................... x

DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS ..................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1

1.1Background to the study ................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................. 2

1.3 Purpose of the study ........................................................................................ 3

1.4 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research Questions .......................................................................................... 3

1.6.0 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................ 3

1.6.1 Conceptual Scope .......................................................................................... 3

1.6 Geographical Scope .......................................................................................... 3

1.6.3 Time Scope ................................................................................................... 3

1. 7 Significance of the Study .................................................................................. 3

1.8 Conceptual frame work .................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................... 6

LITERATURE REVIEW .............. : ................................................................................ 6

2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Benefits of e-tendering on the performance of organizations ........................... 6

2.2 Factors hindering the implementation of e-tendering .......................................... 9

2.3 Measures that can be adopted in implementing e-tendering processes for

organizational performance .................................................................................. 12


CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................... 15

METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 15

3.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................... 15

3.2 Survey Population ............................................................................................. 15

3.3 Sample size ...................................................................................................... 15

3.3.1 Sampling Techniques ...................................................................................... 16

3.4 Data sources ..................................................................................................... 16

3.4.1Primary source ................................................................................................ 16

3.4.2 Secondary source ........................................................................................... 16

3.5 Data Collection ................................................................................................. 17

3.5.1 Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 17

3.5.2 Interviewing .................................................................................................. 17

3.6 Validity and Reliability of Research Instruments .................................................. 17

3.7 Data Processing, Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation .................................. 17

3.8 Limitations of the Study ..................................................................................... 18

CHAPTER FOUR ...................................................................................................... 19


4.0 Introduction .................................................................................................. 19

4.1 Profile of Respondents ................................................................................... 19

4.1 Gender Categorization of Respondents ............................................................ 19

4.1.2 Age Categories of Respondents .................................................................... 19

4.1.3 Period respondents have taken working in Bidco Uganda Limited ................... 20

4.1.4 Academic qualification of respondents .......................................................... 20

4.2 Benefits of E-Tendering in delivering services to customers at Bidco Uganda

limited ................................................................................................................ 21

4.2 Whether e-tendering is beneficial in the performance of organizations .............. 21

4.3 Factors hindering the implementation of e-tendering in Bidco Uganda ............... 24

4.3.1 Whether there are factors hindering the implementation of e-tendering in Bidco

Uganda ............................................................................................................... 24


4.3.2 Factors hindering the implementation of e-tendering in Bidco Uganda ............ 25

4.4 Measures that can be adopted in implementing e-tendering processes for

organizational performance at Bidco Uganda limited .............................................. 27

CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................... 29


5.0 Introduction .................................................................................................. 29

5.1 Summary of findings ...................................................................................... 29

5.2Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 31

5.3 Recommendations ......................................................................................... 31

5.4 Areas for further research .............................................................................. 32

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 33

Appendix 1: Questionnaires ..................................................................................... 35

APPENDIX II: Interview Guide ................................................................................. 40

ABSTRACT The researcher found out that there was a relationship between e-tendering and organizational performance in organizations. Assess the benefits of e-tendering on the performance of organizations; determine the factors hindering the implementation of etendering in Bidco Uganda, explore measures that can be adopted in implementing etendering processes for organizational performance at Bidco Uganda limited. The researcher used a descriptive and explanatory research design basing on the qualitative and quantitative data was got from interviews, questionnaires. The data was collected from 40 respondents of Bidco Uganda limited. The findings were that e-tendering was beneficial in delivering services to customers. The researcher found out the challenges encountered could be solved and this was evidenced by the respondents who strongly agreed to the strategies. E-tendering known as online buying is speedy and efficient compared the traditional procurement means that are being used in Uganda therefore, the implementation help employees to carry out their function quickly and efficiently by modeling customers pattern of carry out their function quickly and efficiently by modeling customers pattern of demands and avail products/items which are of their desired quality at the right time and in right place, provides improved service access to such information I data helps employees to deal with specific problem as and when they arise in conjunction with the customer complaints. Organizations should have had more information upon which they base, hence enabling organizations to make purchasing efficient and effective. These advances/systems may also keep the organizations updated with current product development hence making organization in general. Since the researcher realized that the benefits were eminent, there should be no doubt that e-tendering leads to organizations success. The given recommendations should be put into consideration by Bidco Uganda limited and other organizations that intend to use e-procurement. The researcher recommends that to ensure achievement of the e-tendering objectives, the implementation project should proceed, as far as possible, in alignment with the business management, carefully analyze its own business processes and procurement transactions, and use suitable criteria (e.g., costs, risks, lead time, and percentage of transactions beyond a certain threshold. This helps in eliminating the challenge associated with limited finances. Training should be given a high priority, alongside the need for public sector agencies to identify the skills required by all those engaged in procurement. Electronic procurement systems should be made part and partial of the decision making as a way of availing reliable information in the organizations. Organization should ensure that the embracement of E-tendering assists in establishing better working relationships. The benefits that accrue from application of E-tendering should be adequately analyzed. Management should ensure strict adherence to the company's policies and guideline regarding the application electronic procurement and All employees in one way or another should be involved in the purchasing process especially as far as electronic procurement is concerned.

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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Purchasing and Supply
  • Project ID: PAS0174
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 52 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 279
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    Type Project
    Department Purchasing and Supply
    Project ID PAS0174
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 52 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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