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  • Department: Mass Communication
  • Project ID: MAS0060
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 89 Pages
  • Methodology: chi saqure
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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In this write up, Impact of home movies on the life of students of tertiary institution in Nigeria (A case study of IMT students). There are five chapters constituting this research work, each deals with different perspective on how a reasonable. Fact could be drawn as in what way home movies has been beneficial to student of higher institution. The first chapter deals with the general introduction. This gives us the highlights of the problems, aim and objective, likewise its importance. Chapter two dealt with past work  done in this area and the system used in the working of the project. In chapter three, the authors emphasized on the process, system, and procedure of getting information for the purpose of arriving at a dependable solution on the research topic. In chapter  four, the authors use the information general to present a feature data on the topic. Chapter five focused on the overall summary, conclusion and recommendation. Also conclusion elaborates on the challenges encountered during the course of the project and some remarks. While recommendation encompass the various facts generated and presented as to use it to change the general societal miss values most especially in our tertiary institution in Nigeria using Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu as a case study.    
1.0 Introduction                                                  
11 Background of the study                                  
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem                  
1.3 Objectives of the study                                   
1.4 significance of the Study                                         
1.5 Research Questions                                                
1.6 Research Hypothesis                                               
1.7 Theoretical Framework                                   
1.8 Scope of the Study                                         
1.9 Limitation of the Study                                    
1.10 Definition of Terms                                               
2.0 Literature Review                                           
2.1 Source of Literature
2.2 Review of Relevant Literature                          
2.3 Summary of Literature                                    
3.0 Methodology                                                 
3.1 Research Design                                            
3.2 Area of Study                                                        
3.3 Research Population                                               
3.4 Research Sample                                           
3.5 Sampling Technique                                               
3.6 Instrument of Data Collection                           
3.7 Method of Data Collection                                        
3.8 Method of Data Analysis                                  
3.9 Expected Result (S)                                                
4.0 Presentation and Interpretation of Findings
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis                         
4.2 Analysis of Research Question/Hypothesis          
4.3 Discussion of Results                                               
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Finding                                               
5.2 Conclusion                                                            
5.3 Recommendations                                          
Table One: Distribution of responder’s level of education.
Table Two: Distribution of students that watch home video
Table Three: Distribution of responders exposure to film
Table Four: Distribution of respondents reasons for exposure to films.  
Table Five: Distribution of students rating of home video.
Table Six: student concern about rated films.
Table Seven: Distribution of respondents possibility of
`Learning animal acts.
Table Eight: Distribution of respondent’s possibility of
tracing increase on prostitution.
Table Nine: distribution of respondents general affect of
Home video on
          The impact of home movies on the life of students in tertiary institution in Nigeria, the work of the twenty first century continues because of the advent of technology today it now dominate the life of mankind it has been upgraded to a level where all things without using energy as it was in the case of post centuries. This century had brought along changes and unstoppable materialization one of which is the adoption of style of living by the Africa continent and Nigeria most especially.
        Even as we have some “sit tight” cultural believe it is obvious that the advent of technology has really affected societal norms and values.
        However, the gospel truth remains that the society is misplacing its values, cultural heritage and the centre of all our students in tertiary institution who are undoubtedly leaders of tomorrow, whether they are possessions of quality personality or on the contrary. The Nigeria home movies are being celebrated by these students. Most of them had formed the undeniable habits of watching every home movies released into the market hence, there been a mountain of criticisms being leveled on these home videos for their future to promote morality in our higher institution of learning.
        What is being show cased and obtained in home videos in nutshell are cases of violence, prostitution, money laundering, armed robbery and pornography as could be extracted from this film. “THE SENATOR”. The film propagates double standard, lack of honesty, cultism, wrong societal values, black mail success through dubious means, lack of respect for parents. As a mirror to the society, the film has been label to send a wrong massage to the minds of students in higher institutions. It misplaced the universal standard of how an average student ought to go about in his/her sojourn in tertiary institution, making thieves, armed robbers, cultists, from our generations of students.
        Home video in Nigeria instead of bringing massages, story lines, that could promote our cultural heritage and good values have deviated by adding more problems instead of trying to solve them. Some film introduces prostitution the only way out for a female students, whose infirmity could not pay her school fees as if prostitution is the answer to poverty. They failed to show some students that are in such situation that the normal thing to do may be through menial jobs and other sources.
        The video “the senator” brings out social vices and deviant behaviours and the truth of the matter remains that the impact , such films is having on students of tertiary institution is of negative impact. Now some believe that getting to the top is by joining secret cults or becoming blackmailers. Such videos create conflict of reasoning and most times changes ideas and orientation thereby causing violence in our higher institution.
        Today, our institutions are dumping ground of mediocre. There you will find prostitutes, armed robbers, homosexuals, lesbians, cultists, worst still is that home videos promote the ills, finding its way into our campus and after scrutinizing every home videos. One can hardly find one that promote hard working, intelligence, respect peace, meekness, development, events, education or promote moral education that is to say the home videos producers/makers give our students foreign disguise through our local actors and actresses.
        Our nervousness now is that the continual extent had adverse social and moral decadence in  our campuses which we cannot risk and afford if our future should be guaranteed.
        Therefore the essence of this study is very important because whether it should be given a thought or not. It is believed that our youths, most especially students in tertiary institutions are being impacted with home videos with unacceptable ways of life obviously opposed by our cultural heritage and societal norms and values.
        Hence, what touches a finger must spread to the hand. This means that the ugly behaviours being exhibited by our students in higher institutions as a result of watching home videos will certainly affect Nigeria if not today, surely we cannot escape it tomorrow.
        This research work tries to x-ray the impact of home video on the life of students in higher institutions.
        Home videos often times channel wrong information to the student thereby causing abnormaly in campus. These films are deviating from acceptable success goals instead they impact socials vices as success goals.
        Most of these films are rated for general viewing and (IB) indicating that some are unhealthy children but what does these audience including students stand to gain. What impact will it be making in their lives? Is it necessary at all to watch home video? Does it promote morality especially in pursuance of excellent moral standard  in our tertiary institutions?
        Moral standard are assumed not be promote in Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu (IMT) and the purpose of the study is to verify the truthfulness of this assumption and among the aims are:
i.             To know the authority of the above assumption.
ii.            To know what extent home video is affecting the students of IMT.
iii.          To identify the problems being performed by the watching of home video by students.
iv.          Also the study is meant for the purpose of solving or reducing negative sting lines by home videos makers.
v.           Lasting to verify or pin point some positive impact of home video.           
        The impact of home video on the students of (IMT) is very important for the society, now that most students in their leisure time enjoy watching home videos/movies. The researchers are convinced that there are immeasurable significance of home videos on the students. Every day, lives are list violence in our campus.
        Our higher institutions are dumping grounds of prostitutes, armed robbers, etc. these students exhibit what they see on local and foreign films. As each day passes, negative information continues to influence the way of life of the students in IMT.
        This study will thoroughly examine and analyze critically the introduction of home movies in Nigeria, its goals, aspiration, movies, purpose and achievements so far. Not only that, it will also look at the impact of this films on its viewers most especially students, and to what length has it contributed to the social ill in our campus.
        With the enormous adverse effects of present home videos, the output of this research work is expected to be of immense benefits to the society in general. This work will succinctly expose the inherent dangers of exposing our future leaders to all sorts of home movies.
        Mandatory measures would hence be taken and organization whose responsibilities include censorship would generate information that will make them come alive to their responsibilities.
        Summary, not only the students that will gain but also governments, organizations, individuals, private sectors, etc. we hope that this work findings, suggestions and recommendations will change our campuses for the better.
1.     To what extent does a home movie affect students of IMT?
2.     Is success goals as presented by the films a normal channel to achievement?         
3.     Does a student derive anything positive from watching home videos?
4.     To what extent does home video promote social vices in our society?
5.     Does it reflect our very nature essence?
HI:    Home movies affect the students to the extent that would affect their way of life.
H0:    Home movies do not affect the student to the extent that would affect their way of life.
H2:    Home movie is a reflection of our society which campus is part of it.
H0:      Home video is not a reflection of our society which campus is part of it.
H3:    Home video by every means promotes
H0:    On the contrary promote coexistence
H4:    Home movies have very little impact on students whether positive or negative.
        The very nature of movies generally makes it influential on people because it directs behaviour. It has been credited with the ability to change attitude. Norms,Values and perception.
        This is why it is important to extract a proper documentation of its impact on the students of tertiary institution, so as to enable government fashion out its policy, because the advance are very active, they tend to choose for themselves the video to watch.
        Ousmane Sembene (1977) observes that the majority of films shown in Nigeria are products of cultural transfers.
        This we know is capable of affecting the society both in behaviour and cultural patterns.
        Films produced by Africans for Africans and their ways are shown extensively to African should serve as antidotes or otherwise an oppositions to colonial foreign movies being transferred to Africans rather than copying their story line.
        Consequently, painting ugly image for ourselves and creating immoral films as if our society celebrate such.
        In their own study-Bandura and Ross (1973) observed that people who watch aggressive films are likely to be more aggressive. In (1948) London conference cosments ……. Its natured therefore that people should be concerned, conscious of the effects of movies in which it had been investigated and interpreted, those films in Nigeria encompasses considerable high damage. Wrong type of film causes much more damages.
        In an article, the Guardian Newspaper of June (1983) said that “what is good for Europe should not be applicable to Nigeria policy. Makers in the films, industry are to be faulted for they have permitted this for long, using script or story line in London for instance, to produce for Nigeria viewing (P10) can hardly affect such a person.
        In our present generation, we have films on crime and pornographic films such as “the Senator 1&2.
        Though many audience of home videos said that movies are entertaining in nature. It kills stress and has strong motivation. The public recognizes the potentials of home videos, it’s antidote for stress, loneliness, boredom, depression, etc.   
        The scope of the study was intended to cover the impact of home movies on the life of students of tertiary institution in Nigeria as a case study of IMT.
Conceptual: The outcome or result that comes out of something or somebody.
Operational: The powerful effect or result of home movies.
Conceptual: The state of being alive.
Operational: It is any conscious and intelligent existence.
Conceptual: A person engaged in a course of study    
Operational: A person who is very interested in a particular subject.
IMPACT: At the moment when it hits something.
HOME: A place of comfortability and relaxation.
MOVIE: A series of moving pictures, often telling story, usually shown in a theatre or on television.
LIFE: It is any conscious and intelligent existence.
STUDENT: A person who is interested in a particular course of study of subjects.
TERTIARY: An important rank or higher rank
INSTITUTION: An institution of higher learning is a college or university.
IMPACT: The powerful effect that something has on somebody or something.
HOME: Home is a place of comfort and relaxation.
LIFE: The ability to breathe, grow, reproduce, etc. which people, animals and plants have before they die and which objects do not have.
STUDENT: A person who study at a university, college or secondary school.
TERTIARY: Third in order, rank or importance.
INSTITUTION: A large important organization that has a particular purpose for example, a university, an educational or financial institution.
MOVIE: A series of moving pictures, usually shown on television, cinema, etc.
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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Mass Communication
  • Project ID: MAS0060
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 89 Pages
  • Methodology: chi saqure
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5K
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    Type Project
    Department Mass Communication
    Project ID MAS0060
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 89 Pages
    Methodology chi saqure
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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