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  • Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT0064
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 92 Pages
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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A research proposal on the impact of employee welfare program on increase productivity. Employee welfare is a non-financial rewards that many organization offers as incentives to attract and retain talented employees. According to Human Resources out sourcing firm MC-Global, employee Welfare services includes good health, benefits, wellness, information, advice and support services. Employee welfare is anything done for the comfort and improvement of employees and it is provided over and above the wages. The objectives of the research is to find out the impact employee welfare services and activities have on the loyalty and satisfied labour force for the organization, how the benefits the company gives to its employees affects the company. The researchers therefore will try to highlight the problems and possible solution of employee welfare activities on increase productivity as it affected “DHL” Internal Nigeria Limited Enugu. The organization (DHL) is a courier service company with a peculiar operational and administrative set-ups. In the course of the above study a review of related literature will be ascertained. The sources of the data will include both primary and secondary data. The instrument that the researchers will use in collecting data will include questionnaire administration, interview, observation.  The benefits derived by workers, such as better physical and mental health to workers, allowance in loan, transport, housing, medical, Christmas and new year etc.In conclusion, the research believe that with the findings obtained in the research, the organization particularly (DHL) should be able to identify the problem and possible alternative solution of the observed problems.
1.1        Background of study                                            
1.2        Statement of problem                                          
1.3        Purpose of the study                                            
1.4        Significance of the study                                               
1.5        Research Questions                                                     
1.6        Scope of the Study                                                      
1.7        Limitation of the study                                          
1.8        Definition of terms.
Literature Review                                                        
2.1 Nature and Scope of Employee Welfare             
2.2 Development of Employee Welfare                   
2.2.1 Reasons Growth                                          
2.3 The cost of Employee Welfare                          
2.4 Purpose of Employee Welfare Activities             
2.4.1 Categories of employees welfare services.      
2.4.2 Benefits for safety health and welfare.            
2.4.4 Hospitalization and group insurance plans        
2.5 Benefits for added leisure and income.              
2.6. Recreational Facilities                                     
2.7 Benefits for old Age and Retirement                        
2.7.1 Disadvantages of employee
welfare provision                                                 
3.0 Research Design and Methodology                    
3.1    Research Design                                          
3.2    Study Area                                                 
3.3    Source of Data                                            
3.4    Research Instrument                                    
3.5    Method of Investigation                                        
3.6    Method of Data Analysis                                       
3,7    Population and Sample Size                          
3.8    Sample Size                                                       
4.1 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation
of Data                                                              
5.0 Summary of Findings, Conclusions and  Recommendations                                           
5.1    Findings                                                             
5.2 Conclusions                                                   
5.3 Recommendations                                          
The practice of employee welfare activities has now become a popular phenomenon of the total personal policy of any organization .the activities involved giving extra benefits to employee to supplement their wages at the cost of the employer.   They are important to both organization and the employees. From the views of the employees it is seen that a good employees welfare activities will induce the employee to work hard and improve their general attitude rewards the organization and increase their level of production. But for the employee these benefits represent an extra income, additional security or more desirable working conditions that require no additional efforts.
        In business organization, employers of labour have seen in employee welfare services as the ability of the sub-ordinate to contribute more to the achievement of the organizational goal, promote industrial relations so as to maintain industrial pace. It is also believed that good employees services activities will motivate and induce employee to work hard, thereby increasing their productivity level and improve the general employee morale, also enhance the public image of the organization.
        French and Saward (1977:138-140) defined employee welfare services as something of who value apart from the agreed regular monetary payment of salaries and wages given an employee. In recognition of the workers need fulfillment function, they are variously called welfare services, welfare benefits, employee benefits and amenities. They are also known as pay or supplementary and non wages remuneration. As non-taxable income and expenses they are being called indirect compensation and non-tax benefits.
        Employee are directly influenced by nature and quality of welfare services offered because they compare themselves with their counterparts in other organizations. Therefore, every organization should bear in minds that for them to achieve the objectives, the employee welfare services should be adequately competitive and focused towards solving the real needs of the employees.
        Nwachukwu (1986:75) has shown that workers prefer increase in welfare service to increase in salaries especially during the period of inflation and rising prices, workers get frustrated and dis-satisfied when welfare services are in-adequate. But if the opposite obtains workers are satisfied and more committed to give their best to the achievement of the companies objectives apart from this, the organization is rendered impotent and managerial functions at planning organizing, directing and controlling become ineffective resulting from heavy loss if money, time and resources.  
Workers or employees are often attracted into certain organization not only because of the pays packages that are stated in the advert but also because of the benefits attached to them. These benefits usually include housing, transport, medical, pension or retirement benefits to name but a few.
        These attractions also constitute to considerable objectives for which such individuals make up their minds to these primary attractions of such individuals into the organization will certainly lower the morale as well as the efficiency of such individuals performance which will in turn effect on the organization’s productivity.
        Example, where organization have been faced within increase agitation from the workers unions and staff association because of the inadequate employees welfare services, poor administration of the existing ones or total withdrawal of the existing. These dis-satisfaction expressions or administration of employee welfare services activities need proper investigation and examination in order to find a lasting solution to these numerous problems.
        These assertions will be examined with respect to DHL International Nigeria Limited in Enugu State.
1.   To determine the various employees benefits available in DHL International Nigeria Limited and how they affect the increase productivity of the employees.
2.   To ascertain whether any of the benefits formally enjoyed by the employees in DHL International Limited Has been withdrawn. If so the affect on the loyalty of the employees.
3.   To find out if there are other benefits which employees demand for effective performance of their duty that have not yet being provided.
4.   To ascertain the problems, if any that is encountered by the company in administering the benefits to the workers.
5.   To determine the effectiveness of employees performance.
6.   To make recommendations based of this study on how to improve provision and administration of employee welfare activities in DHL if there is need to it.
This research work is significance to the board, government, companies, private companies, research students, policy makers etc. who are interested in finding ways of improving moral and general welfare of the workers.
        Another significance is that the preferred suggestions will have a direct impact in the company, thereby creating a conducive atmosphere and environment for the attainment of the organizations aims and objectives. The management and staff of DHL international Nigeria Limited would benefit immensely from any snag in the administration of the workers benefits and also show how best to implement the issue.
        The research is also important to partial fulfillment for the award of National diploma (ND) in Marketing.
1.   Can increase productivity be gotten from employees when there is proper provision and administration of workers incentives program?
2.   Have workers benefits scheme in “DHL” International Nigeria Limited any direct effects on the productivity level or loyalty of the employees?
3.   To what extent has the employee benefits scheme been administered or implemented in “DHL”
4.   What are the attitudes of the DHL workers to work with respect to the benefits they obtain?
The scope focuses on the effective motivation of workers of DHL International Nigeria Limited in Enugu state, that is how motivation can be used to increase labour productivity through identification of problems in effectively motivating its employees and suggestions preferred on how to improve the performance of workers to wards optimum performance.
For the purpose of this research work, the following key words are defined as follows.
a.   DHL: the founders names. D for Dalsey, H for Hilboln, L for Lynds.
b.   Employee; Is any person who enters into a contract of employment with another in returns for wages, salaries or other valuable considerations.
c.   Welfare: this is an organized efforts to ensure the basic well being of people in need. It is also a wide variety of services provided by companies for employee and in some cases for members of employee’s families. These word shall be used often and interchangeably with benefits, giving benefits, employee benefits and supplementary compensations.
d.   Activities: This refers to a pre-determined agreement of program, events or development planned to accrued, accumulate or increase to a given expected out come.
e.   Motivation: This refers to the sum of many paid regularly by the state or employer to their retired employee.
f.    Benefits: This is profits, gains and future good rewards offered to employees.
g.   Retirement: this is a situation whereby one gives up on a regular work especially because of age.
h.   Paternalistic: this refers to the policy of employees of controlling people in a patterned way by providing them wit what they need but giving them no freedom of choice.
i.     Facilities: This is circumstance or easier to do some things.

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT0064
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 92 Pages
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 4.4K
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    Type Project
    Department Marketing
    Project ID MKT0064
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 92 Pages
    Methodology simple percentage
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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