• Type: Project
  • Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT1343
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 103 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 447
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This research project focused on the consumer protection laws in Nigeria and its implications on Nigerian consumers. 
The researchers utilized both secondary primary data sources in order to gain insight on consumer protection laws in Nigeria and its implications. 
Questionnaire was carefully designed to obtain relevant information from respondents within the Enugu metropolis. 
The questionnaire utilized both alternative choice and multiple choice questions, open ended question wee also used. 
The method of data analysis used in this research is tabulation/presentation and working of summary statistics. A convenience sample size of 400 were used in Enugu metropolis. 
The study revealed that most of the consumers, are not aware of the existing laws, and some also do not know their rights as a consumer and how to go about fighting for their right. 
It also revealed that consumers are not properly informed about the issue on what is contained in the consumer protection laws. 
We however, recommend that the regulatory agency(ies) should redesign an enlightenment programme that is going to catch the target audience as well as the general public so as to high light them on what to do when their rights is being also abused. 
We also recommend that consumers should stop buying packaged goods without a certificatory number, batch number, company’s name and full address of the company as well as expiry date. 
In the case where all these features are not found or is doubting, the consumer should report to the regulatory agencies for actions.    

Title page--------i
Certification -------ii
Dedication --------iii. 
Acknowledgement ------iv
Table of Content -------v

1.0Introduction ------1
1.1 Background of the study ----1
1.2Statement of the problem ----2
1.3Objectives of the Study ----4
1.4Research Questions -----5
1.5Significance of the study ----6
1.6Scope and Limitations of the study --7
References ------9

Related Literature Review ----10
2.1Consumer Protection and Consumerism -10
2.2The Nigerian Context -----13
2.3The need for consumer protection in Nigeria -17
2.4Abuse of consumer rights in Nigeria --19
2.5The establishment of the consumer protection laws 22
2.6The major functions of consumer protection 
laws in Nigeria ------25
2.7The brief historical development of food and drug 
regulatory authority in Nigeria. ----27
2.8The implications of fake and substandard 
regulated products ------35
References -----43

3.0Research Design -----44
3.1Area of Study ------44
3.2Population of study -----44
3.3Sample and sampling technique ---45
3.4Source of Data ------47
3.5Method of Data Collection----48
3.6Questionnaire design -----49
3.7Questionnaire administration ---50
References ------52

4.0Presentation, Analysis and interpretation of Data 53
4.1Interpretation and analysis of consumer 
questionnaire   ------54
4.2Interpretation and analysis of staff questionnaire 67
4.3Hypothesis ------74
References ------82

5.0Summary of Findings, recommendation and 
conclusion -------83
5.1Summary of Findings -----83
5.2Recommendations -----85
Questionnaire ------91
For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT1343
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 103 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 447
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    Type Project
    Department Marketing
    Project ID MKT1343
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 103 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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