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DECLARATION .................................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL ............. ~ ........................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEGEMENT ...................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF STATUTES ......................................................................................................... vii

LIS~ OF CASES ................................................................................................................ viii • ..

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ix

ABSRACT ........................................................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... I

1.1 Back ground to the study ............................................................................................... 3

1.2 Statement of the problem .............................................................................................. 5

1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 6

1.4 The General Objectiw, was ................................................................................. : ......... 6.

1.4.1 The specific objectives of this study were as follow: ................................................ 6

1.5 Research questions ........................................................................................................ 6

1.6 Hypothesis ..................................................................................................................... 7

I. 7 Rationale ....................................................................................................................... 7

1.8 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 7

1.9 Limitations to the study ................................................................................................. 7

1.10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 8


CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................. 9

LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................... 9

2.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Related literature .................................................................................................. : .......... 9'

2.2 Theoretical perspective ............................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 36


OUTSIDE COURT ........................................................................................................ 36

3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 36

3.1 The Judicature Act Cap 13 .......................................................................................... 36

3.2 The Civil Procedure Act (Cap 7) And The Civil Procedure Rules ............................. 37

3.3.THE ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION ACT (CAP 4) .................................. 38

3.4 Arbitration ................................................................................................................... 38

3.6 Conciliation ............................................................................................................ 40

~ 7B . . C ., .. ". as1c steps m onc1 JatJon ....................................................................................... 40

3.8 Weaknesses and Strength in Conciliation proceedings ............................................. 42

3.9 THE LAND ACT (CAP 227) ..................................................................................... 42

3.10 The Judicature (Mediation) Rules 2013 .................................................................... 43

3 .II Mediation ........................................................................................ .' .................... 44

3.12 Is Mediation binding? ............................................................................................. 44

3.13 Court-annexed Mediation: Can Courts be seen to force patiies into

n:etation? ....................................................................................................................... 45

3.14··conclusion. ··'·'········································································································· 45


CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................... 47


COURT ................................................................................................................................ 47

4.1 REGIONAL OVERVIEW: .......................................................................................... 47

4.2 CONTINENTAL OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 52


4.3 Global Overview ......................................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................ 79

Recommendation and Conclusion ................................................................................... 79

5.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 79

5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 85

References ............................................................................................................................ 88


This study was carried out using the qualitative methodology of research, the study is based on secondary information such as writings of high qualified state publicists as clearly envisaged in textbooks, novels, law journals, miicles, websites m1d different literature including class notice. The researcher also relied on judicial decisions made by different judges of different states, Acts of parliament relating to ADR md international Conventions where Uganda is party. Resolving disputes outside court has gained recognition m the Ugm1dm1 legal system especially through the establishment of the Judicature (Mediation) Rules of 2013 that made mediation pmi m1d partial of the judicial system. This act was to enhm1ce access to relatively cheaper md quicker justice to help reduce the clogging associated with the adversarial system of adjudication and afford more amicable and reconciliatory peace and justice among the citizens of Uganda. The paper therefore discusses the different laws that govern the resolution of disputes outside Comi and how the same have been incorporated in the legal system in Uganda and whether the same have been implemented by the judges in dealing with different facts that are brought before them relating to resolving disputes outside court. This paper also evaluates the different mechanisms of ADR applicable in the Ugm1da11 legal system. It explains more on conciliation, mediation, arbitration and commission of Inquiry that are mostly applied in Uganda. The paper also analyzes the international best practices of ADR as applied by different states for example Tm1zania, Kenya, Zambia and others. The researcher recommended some other best practices to be adopted by Uganda. Resolution of disputes outside court though popular m1d desirable is limited in application because. of limited resources and few trained people in trying out the exercise, lack of public awareness and constitutional limitations that render some cases non Judicable under the ADR regime

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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Law
  • Project ID: LAW0492
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 108 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 459
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    Type Project
    Department Law
    Project ID LAW0492
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 108 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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