• Type: Project
  • Department: Human Resource Management
  • Project ID: HRM0150
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 53 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 315
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This study sought to examine the effect of communication and employee performance at

National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) at Nsambya office, Kampala. Communication is considered the most important ingredient of performance process, interpersonal and two- way communication is fundamental to all managerial activities The study was based on three specific objectives i.e. to examine the level of communication at NWSC-Nsambya, to examine the level of employee performance in NWSC-Nsambya, To establish the relationship between communication and employee performance in NWSC sambya, fhe study also employed research questions to help in developing a suitable questionnaire to 1elp in data collection i.e. What is the level of communication among employees in NWSC~sambya?, What is the level of employee performance of NWSC?, What is the relationship between communication and employee performance in NWSC?, the study employed 2uestionnaires as a data collection method, Data was collected from 2 Key Informants, i.e. staff nd managers that made up to the total of 20 staff members working at national water and ewerage corporation nsambya office. Analysis of data was done by the use of Statistical package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and "thematic content analysis" for quantitative and ualitative data respectively. results were obtained and it was concluded that communication and employee performance at WSC has resulted in positive effects towards the customers NWSC Nsambya office. It was also mnd out that the level of performance among the employees was very impressing. l1e NWSC-Nsambya branch top level management should apply all methods of communication !pending on the situation to enable them achieve the set objectives of their corporation. 1e NWSC's top management should make communication one of the NWSC-branches piorities because effective communication improves productivity, develops and maintains staff morale and company performance. Management should also be aware of communication barriers so that appropriate measures  put in place to minimize them





1.0 Introduction This chapter includes the background of the study, problem statement, purpose, objectives, research questions, scope, and significance of study. 1.1 Background of the Study NWSC was formed by Decree No. 34 in 1972 to serve the urban areas of Kampala, Entebbe, md Jinja. In 1995, NWSC was re-organized under the NWSC Statute. The company was given more authority and autonomy and the mandate to operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it, on a sound commercial and viable basis. As of October 2016, the many cities and towns had received services from NWSC

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Human Resource Management
  • Project ID: HRM0150
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 53 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 315
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    Type Project
    Department Human Resource Management
    Project ID HRM0150
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 53 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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