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  A CASE STUDY OF UGHELLI SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF DELTA STATE  TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter one         Introduction 1.1            Background of the study 1.2            Statement of the problem 1.3            Research questions 1.4           ... Continue Reading
THE EFFECTS OF OIL SPILLAGE IN THE NIGER DELTA A CASE STUDY OF UGHELLI SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF DELTA STATE TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter one Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Aims/Objective of the study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Scope of the study 1.7 Limitation of the study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study deals with public relations as a tool for conflict management in the Niger Delta (A Case Study of Niger Delta Development Commission). The specific area of study is Port- Harcourt Umuahia, Owerri and Yenogoa. Some hypotheses were put up to guide during the research work. Literature review and some reference were made to relate... Continue Reading
PUBLIC RELATIONS AS A TOOL FOR CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN THE NIGER DELTA REGION. (A CASE STUDY OF NIGER DELTA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) ABSTRACT This study deals with public relations as a tool for conflict management in the Niger Delta (A Case Study of Niger Delta Development Commission). The specific area of study is Port- Harcourt Umuahia, Owerri... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study deals with public relations as a tool for conflict management in the Niger Delta (A Case Study of Niger Delta Development Commission). The specific area of study is Port- Harcourt Umuahia, Owerri and Yenogoa. Some hypotheses were put up to guide during the research work. Literature review and some reference were made to relate... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project, studies the socio-economic impact of the Niger Delta development commission in the Niger Delta regions. Consequently, all the impacts and developmental changes were examined to determine the effectiveness of the commission... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Prospecting for oil in Nigeria started as far back as 1930s. Due to the economic reward from petroleum oil a lot of companies are scattered all over the Delta region of river Niger in quest of oil deposits. The act of oil prospecting and production cannot continue without immense benefits to numerous parties as well as causing hazards and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Prospecting for oil in Nigeria started as far back as 1930s. Due to the economic reward from petroleum oil a lot of companies are scattered all over the Delta region of river Niger in quest of oil deposits. The act of oil prospecting  and production cannot continue without immense benefits to numerous parties as well as causing hazards... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Ethnic nationalism is a common phenomenon in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Ethnic nationalism in Niger Delta has been agitating for so long for self-determination and to control their God giving resources, in their quest to achieve their aims, their... Continue Reading
Ethnic nationalism is a common phenomenon in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Ethnic nationalism in Niger Delta has been agitating for so long for self-determination and to control their God giving resources, in their quest to achieve their aims, their actions sometimes has generated a lot of tension to Niger Delta region. The study examined ethnic... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF THE AMNESTY PROGRAMME) The Niger Delta area is the most fragile region in Nigeria.  The presence of oil and gas in the region makes it the goose that lays the golden egg, thus making the region the center of economic and political activities in the country. The Niger Delta was a foremost... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgment Abstract Table of content CHAPTER ONE –INTRODUCTION 1.1    Background of the study 1.2    Statement of the problem 1.3    Objectives of the study 1.4    Research questions 1.5    Hypotheses of the study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work is centered on critical analysis of the manner in which oil exploitation is conducted in the Niger Delta Region. It also focuses on how the Niger Delta environment is contaminated via the activities of oil exploitation, thereby leading to abrupt destruction of her natural habitats. As a result, hardship in survival of... Continue Reading
THE NIGER DELTA CRISIS: IT’S IMPACT ON NIGERIAN’S NATIONAL SECURITY CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 2002, an international observation proclaimed the Niger Delta as one of the most volatile regions of the world. This observation came on the heels of incessant crisis which the region have been witnessing for decades but... Continue Reading
THE NIGER DELTA CRISIS: IT’S IMPACT ON NIGERIAN’S NATIONAL SECURITY CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 2002, an international observation proclaimed the Niger Delta as one of the most volatile regions of the world. This observation came on the heels of incessant crisis which the region have been witnessing for decades but... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1        BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 2002, an international observation proclaimed the Niger Delta as one of the most volatile regions of the world. This observation came on the heels of incessant crisis which the region have been witnessing... Continue Reading
A B S T R A C T   Bunkering has to do with the fueling of Ships. It is a legitimate trade whereby licensed operators are authorized to provide fuel and other provision to vessels.  This study has appraised the practice of the bunker trade in Nigeria with emphasis on the Niger Delta Region and to demystify all that has been stated about illegal... Continue Reading
NIGER DELTA CRISIS IN NIGERIA, ROOT CAUSES OF PEACELESSNESS IN THE REGION  ABSTRACT The oil rich Niger-Delta region of Nigeria has been embroiled in crisis between the government forces and some militants elements that are aggrieved over certain fundamental issues affecting the region which has lead to peacelessness. Since the last two decades,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to know the factors that influence the Niger Delta crisis and its implication on Socio-political development of Nigeria. The study continued to evaluate the extent of damages the Niger Delta Crisis lure on political development of the nation. The crisis are a threat to both local and foreign investors. The... Continue Reading
Crude oil viscosity is an important parameter which is considered in both porous media and in pipeline channels. Estimating oil viscosity at various operating conditions of pressure and temperature is of great value to petroleum engineers. In petroleum and reservoir engineering, we are often faced with the analysis of processes which involve... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Prospective evaluation of “XY” field in southwestern offshore Niger Delta was carried out with a view to delineate the structural and stratigraphic traps present in the study area. The research methodology involved horizon and fault mapping to produce subsurface structural maps. Attributes used to analyze the field under study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the extent to which sustainable development can help resolve crisis/conflict in the Niger Delta region. It also sought to know the major problems which result in conflict whether crisis is location specific. A total... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life. Whether its with others, yourself or an organization, conflict is an inevitable aspect of life experience. Understanding how is starts and how its escalates goes... Continue Reading
Crude oil viscosity is an important parameter which is considered in both porous media and in pipeline channels. Estimating oil viscosity at various operating conditions of pressure and temperature is of great value to petroleum engineers. In petroleum and reservoir engineering, we are often faced with the analysis of processes which involve... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Security concern have existed since time immemorial. But the challenges has never been as readily manifested as they are presently. This is rather disconcerting. Moreso, because some of the security challenges and problems we encounter daily in the contemporary society are almost entirely unpredictable.  Indeed, rapid growth and use of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at using the characteristics of polluted soil to delineate different soil layers and deduce ways of providing remediation to the problems generated as a result of soil pollution using Electrical Resistivity Method. An inversion of the measured apparent resistivity values using a computer program was carried out to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The Niger Delta region of Nigeria has in recent years been a hotbed of conflict. The region has been embroiled in turmoil over the struggle for equitable resource allocation. Federal systems by their nature are complex administrative designs because they involve multiple levels of government. The Nigerian federal system is thus beset by a... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The mineralogical and chemical composition of clastic sedimentary rocks are controlled by various factors, including (1) the composition of their source rocks, (2) environmental parameters influencing the weathering of source rocks (e.g., atmosphericchemistry, temperature, rainfall and topography), (3) duration of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at using the characteristics of polluted soil to delineate different soil layers and deduce ways of providing remediation to the problems generated as a result of soil pollution using Electrical Resistivity Method. An inversion of the measured apparent resistivity values using a computer program was carried out to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at using the characteristics of polluted soil to delineate different soil layers and deduce ways of providing remediation to the problems generated as a result of soil pollution using Electrical Resistivity Method. An inversion of the measured apparent resistivity values using a computer program was carried out to... Continue Reading
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