• Type: Project
  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU1715
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 378
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The importance of computer cannot be over emphasized with respect to designing and implementation in text editing package which could be in sciences, engineering, business or government etc. 

 Consequently, computers are becoming indispensable. This is obviously true in developed countries; like Nigeria is gradually being gravitated into computer oriented society with professional engineers, analyst, design and implementation of some parts in the computer as well as the electronic circuit. 

Designing and implementations of a simple text editor and word processing package and at least coming- out with an out put design from a computer system that could serve as a stepping stone towards building of other text editing and simple word processing package is utmost importance to a fast growing economy.


i.Processing data of all sorts is relatively low, since it involves writing which is done manually. 

ii.Without computer keyboard, and lack of conversion on the part of users, frequently do occur.

iii.It is well noted that there are sometimes necessary delays and difficult routine paper works, which are involved in simple word processing and text editing.

As these things are brought to light, there is a need to design our own self satisfactory package that could be used to carry out these function s by all users.


Since a simple word processor act as the part of a computer system that receive and store data and instruction , performs arithmetic and logic operations and directs the actions of input and out put devices; a statistically data by a typical computer expert is enormous and efficient.

The implementation of computers that will enhance the efficiency of the processing of the statistical data is highly reliable. The power and flexibility of computers in handling and processing various types of data and also accurately calculation of equation are great assets in the effective management of computer. Through intensive research, it is known that the problem of delay in computer will take off, at least to a reasonable extent to enhance efficiency, accuracy and speed processing.


   The significance of the study of the design and implementation of word processor could be established from the point of view that one of the important benefits which word processing system could bring to an organization and the country at large is speed and accuracy of data information. The study is further justified by the need to guide the economy in their quest to computerize their operations thereby bringing out the cost implication of doing so. However the need to take a critical look at the Nigeria computing sector which is the life blood of the Nigeria economy make this study very importance.

More-also, in view of the fact that no economy can make headway without a sound and vibrant computer processor system makes this study much important.


A research on the design and implementation of word processor is a very vast one. It involves an extensive study and understanding other total effect word processor design and implementation on Nigeria at large (including some other part of the world), considering its merits and demerits. In view of the large scale of operation, it is a very tedious and excruciating one. In a bid to keep the work within a manageable limit in terms of time and financial constraints, the research work will be limited to the National Open University Asaba.


Word Processor:  Is an electronics device or a computer/software application that perform the tasks compositions, editing, formatting and printing of document. 

Typeface: Is defines as the shape of the characteristics. Some common typefaces are Times new Roman, Arial and Courier.

Font: Is a collection of letters and numbers in a particular typeface. The font includes the typeface plus other qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing. For instance with the times roman, 10 point, bold, changing the font can completely change the look and feel web page r document. 

Alignment: Refers to the way lines of text are arranged relative to the edges of a block of text. For example, the text can be flush with the left side of the document, flush with the right side of the document or centered horizontally on the document (thee is also an alignment called justified).

Tab: The tab function in a word processor works much like the tab function on a type-writer. Tab stops can be set in the ruler at the top of the page. When tab is pressed, the cursor will move to the next tab location.

Margins: Are the blank space to the left and right sides and at the top of and bottom of a page. The size of the margin can be increased or decreased. In Microsoft word, this is done by choosing file-page set-up and changing the numbers on the margin tab.

Header or Footer: The header is one or more line of text that appears at the top of every page of a document.

Line Spacing: Line spacing refers to the numbers of blank spaces between lines of type. The most common line spacing are single spaced and double but the line spacing in a word processor can be set to almost any amount of line spacing.

Word Wrap: Word wrap is a word processing feature that permits information to be keyed on successive lines without having to tap the return or enter key at the key of each line.

Table: A collection of data arranged in rows and columns. Tables are commonly used in word processing programs. They are used in spread sheets and database programs.

Spelling/Grammar Check: A word processing program contains a spell check program which can verify the correct spelling of a word in a document. In some programs you will click on a menu.

Indent: An indent is one or more spaces that are used to move the text to the right of the margin.

Ruler: In a word processor, you can use the ruler to set the indent, margin and markers and this allows complex formatting options. ever use the space bar and the return key to align text.

Templates: Templates establish the initial document setting and formats. a word processing document like Microsoft word uses the “normal” template as the basis for all documents.

Bullets and Numbering:  A word processing programme can automatically add bullets and or numbers to the text.

Print Preview: This is a very useful feature. Click on the menu or on and conform a print review and you will be shown an image of exactly what the printed out-put will look like.

For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU1715
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 378
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    Type Project
    Department Computer Science
    Project ID CPU1715
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 44 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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