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This project work deals with strike action and its effectiveness in achieving union aims (A case study of Nigerian Union of Teachers). The unsuited in an all times record of cost working hours, unprecedented spate of strike. The study is focused on the following issues;(i) to identify the causes of trade dispute (ii) to find out if strike is the major tools for achieving union aims and (iii) and the effectiveness of strike action in achieving unions aims. This project also discussed the early stages and development of trade unions, legal provisions on union versus employers and the evaluation of strike as one of the tools of trade union in achieving their aims from management. Furthermore, the political, social and economic implications of strike and the various strikes embarked upon by NUT were also discussed. The third chapter covers the design of the study, population selection and sample size determination.  Also are the questionnaires design, research procedure and the method of treatment of data. The data collected were presented and analyzed in chapter four in analysis, the secondary data were analyzed first using the chi-square method. Finally, based on the finding, the following conclusions, and recommendations were made. The management should try to reduce the air of dispute arising in the form by trying to avert the caused of dispute which are likely to occur. More effort should be made to integrate the whole members of the plant into the union and make them recognize the need of collective bargaining. Joint consultation should be reasserted to when disputed arises and where a strike is inevitable, the necessary steps of resolving it must be met.


Title page                                                                                         i

Approval page                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                           iv

Table of content                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                       viii

Chapter One:     Introduction                                                     

1.1        Background of the study                                                       1

1.2        Statement of the problem                                                      2

1.3        Objective of the study                                                            3

1.4        Research questions                                                              4

1.5        Research hypothesis                                                             4

1.6        Significance of the study                                                       5

1.7        Scope of the Study                                                                6

1.8        Limitation of study                                                                 7

1.9        Definition of term                                                                    7

Chapter Two:     Review of Related Literature                         

2.1        The history and development of trade unionism in Nigeria 9

2.2        Functions and objectives of trade union                               12

2.3        Legal provisions of unions vs. employers                            13

2.4        Evaluation of strike as one of the test of trade union          16

2.5        Settlement of strike and legal provisions                             18

2.6        The political, social and economic implication of strike       19

2.7        Strikes embarked upon by Nigerian union of teachers       21

Chapter Three : Research Methodology

3.1    Design of the study                                                                23

3.2    Area of the study                                                                   23

3.3    Population of the study                                                          24

3.4    Sample and sampling technique                                          24

3.5    Instrument for data collection                                                25

3.6    Validation of the instrument                                                  25

3.7    Method of Data Collection                                                    25

3.8    Method of data analysis                                                        26

Chapter Four: Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.1    Presentation and analysis of data                                        27

4.2    Testing of hypothesis                                                            40

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, conclusion and recommendations

5.1    Summary of findings                                                              45

5.2        Implication of the research finding                                        46

5.3        Recommendations                                                                 47



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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM4915
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 58 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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