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The need for holding inventories is invented in any business organization.  The space of the inventory will be properly controlled so that the object of carrying or maintaining adequate inventory lauds at minimum cost can be realized.
The study therefore, examined the system of stock valuation, controlled and management in Emenite Limited. Considering the nature of the study and the company, a lot of data were generated from questionnaire administration and proposal interview conducted on staff of the industry.
Based on the method of data collection, the researcher found out that the system of inventory control is adequate in design and effective in operation as regards the determination of stock levels, which could be attributed to the use of scientific method in determining the quantity and time to order.
The researcher strongly believe that proper and accurate recording of the bin cards, thee use of scientific method in stock level.


Inventory valuation, management and control is the system designed by the management of a firm to control its investment in stock.
This is found to be in existence in Emenite limited Emene, which produces roofing sheets and hard boards for ceiling.  The system involves the recording and monitoring of stock levels, knowing when to place orders and how many orders to be placed.  Effective, efficient and economic inventory helps to check the following costs:-
1.Carrying cost which include interest on capital invested in stock
2.Storage charged
3.Store staffing
4.Material handling cost 
5.Transportation cost
Since management needs information on inventory as a guide to decision making, inventory handling should not be placed on the basis of trial and error.
Material control is an act of -management, which ensures the provision of the required quantity of inventories of the required quantity at the required time.  With the minimum amount of capital tied up.  It embraces stock control procedure, placing of purchasing, receiving, inspecting, storing requirement and issuing of stocks.
It is an important and difficult task, inventories are necessary in order to satisfy ever yawing need of customers and smooth running of an organisation, most organisation invest in large number of inventory items, irrespective of the system of storage adopted there must be place for everything are everything in it’s place for the stock weeping system to operate efficiently.
Floor space is very expensive and must be used to the best advantage.  It is therefore necessary to build warehouse for storing materials and provide things for feasible, bins racks and shelves must be provided.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2  Statement of problems
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions 
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of terms

2.1Purchasing procedure
2.2Receipt of material 
2.3Accounting Treatment
2.4Stores Routine 
2.5Inventory Control
2.6Stock cost
2.7Inventory control Terminology
2.8Types control system
2.9Method of valuing material

3.1Research Design
3.2Area of study 
3.3Population of study
3.4Sample and sampling procedure 
3.5Instruments of Data collection
3.6Validation of the instrument
3.7Reliability of the instrument
3.8Method of Data collection 
3.9Method of Data Analysis

4.1Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.2Testing of hypothesis
4.3Summary of Result

5.1Discussion of Result/Findings
5.3Implications of Research Findings
5.5Suggestions for further Research

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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM4598
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 93 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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