• Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0273
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.7K
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This project study exposes the reader to what personnel management is all about the various tools involve in the management of personnel management.
This work also expose the reader to what keeps personnel management satisfied and also enhances the industrial harmony in the cotton mills Onitsha.
Various method were employee in collecting data for the study which involved personnel interview and questionnaire
Different type of management tolls were also examined commuters were interviewed with the data collected presentational and analyzing were done and finally summary were give and conclusion was draw  
1.0       General background of the study
1.1              Problem associated with the study
1.2              The importance of the study
1.3              Scope of the study
1.4       Definition of some important terms
1.4              Reference
2.1              Origin and factory of the study area
2.2              School of though with in the subject area
2.1              The different school of though relevant to the problem of study
2.2              Method of studying the problem associated with the study
2.3              Summary
2.4              Reference
3.0       CONCLUSION
3.1              Data collection
3.2              Analysis of data/ findings
3.3              Tabulation of data
3.4              Recommendation
3.5              References.
The purpose of undertaking this project is to look into how personnel management enhances industrial harmony with special reference to cotton mills limited Onitsha.  Also it is utmost important to and identity the problems militating against workers effective performance it is hoped however , that it mill from a useful handbook for the management of general cotton mills limited particularly the personnel management whose duty is to enhance the industrial harmony of the company.
Before analyzing the area to be covered in this project it is worth explaining some keywords like personnel management;
The dictionary meaning of personnel is body of persons engaged in some public service or in the offices.  Also a personnel manager is the one employed to dead with relationship between individual employee their relationship problems grievance etc.
Personnel management is therefore the management of human resources and the optimum utilization of  manpower  to achieve the desired objective and this is regarded as a life wire of any organization.
Personnel management in the sense of managing people can said to be part of the role every person who is responsible for the work of others.
Furthermore personnel management deals with recruiting selecting placing training developing motivating pay and benefits enforcement relation with trade unions staff association safety and heath employment legislation etc
The creation of goods and service in our society is accomplished through effective work force.
It is pertinent to mention have that many organizations has lose down or retrench their worker due to not only lack of raw material and spare parts but to some extents dues to industrial arrest that are bound in such organization it is therefore necessary to curb or strongly minimize such a menace or hazards.
To do this investigations should be carried out or condition hence this project is undertaken.
It should be noted or remembered that since that attainment of organizations objectives is through the work of people and it is established that if people think and act differently conflicts and disharmony must exists.
 The investigations is therefore aimed at highlighting the factor that affects and that could brings about disharmony in a department and to try and recommend remedies for it
Personnel management which is that departments in an organization that ahs the prime responsibility for the following:
a)                  Formulating proposing and gaining acceptance for the personnel polices and strategies of the organization.
b)                  Advising and guiding the organization management on the implantation of   personnel policies and strategies
c)                  Proving personnel service for the organization to facilitate the recruitment motivation and developing of the sufficient and suitable employee at all levels.
d)                 Advising the organization managers of human consequence of change.
Again personnel management amongst all departments in an organization is regarded as one of the important department of which if not fund affects the running of the organization.  There are some other important works which are performed by the personnel managers which helps the organization in enhancing their industrial harmony which will help for the effectiveness of the workers and could also lead to improvement of their output.
There are many problems associated with this study and it could not be overemphasize.
In Nigeria today there are problems which face the personnel practitioners the first major problems is concerned with the delicate balance which a personnel manager must maintain between expatriate and their counterparts.  By virtue of culture difference between two group and the fact that expatriate  who belong to multinational organization have to be treated differently and apparently better with regards to conditions of service there is bound to be some conflict among two group but problems arises really form lack of understanding.
As Messrs Onosode and Dan with most have pointed out some of the expatriate possibly pointed out some ignorance rather arrogance tend to have the erroneous pre-conceived idea that his Nigeria counterparts has no skills.
 Another area of misunderstanding concerns condition of service especially housing.  The Nigeria managers cannot understand why they should be asked to look for their own flat while the company provides his expatriates counterpart with well furnished and maintained house while this reason is understandable in the sense of equal pay for equal job the reasoning appears to be based on misunderstanding.
Lack of training on the part of supervisors is contributing factors to the problems the personnel managers have to face.  Most of the supervisors today are those who were recruited during the period of 1960.
They are generally those of low education and the training and the development of this level of supervisors are not always a rewarding excised.
Consequently many of them are familiar with these aspect of management which are associated with their work how to communicate with them effectively failure to do things effectively can leads to general frustration among workers which affects the improvement of out put and growth of the organization.
Another major problem is that of union most of the local union secretaries are workers whose education is low and who have received no trade union education what so ever.  Their colleagues have appointed them as they have shown by their behaviour that they would not co-operate with management.
Consequently intellectual reasoning and logic become irrelevant in discussion and negotiations.
The process of selection and placement is to the personnel managers a straight forward  one yet it has its problem for personnel managers.
The problem arises because too many applications are chasing too few jobs.  This is where social pressure comes in once an individual is know to be in charge of a  particular company his relations towns men and friends bombard hi, with letter and as such the organization suffers.
Personnel managers who are prepared to employ only those who satisfy adequately the criteria laid down is bound to expand  the organization positively.
Finally, we must mention which could also create problems in running of the organization for the attainment of their objective.
There are a lot of functions performed by personnel management / department which are as follows.
Recruitment selection and placement wages and salaries administration industrial relations and  joint consultation employment welfare training education enforcement health and safety joint consultation and labour relation.  All these are some of the functions performed by the personnel management/ department and some them are disused below.
They are the people who organize seminars courses for the staff in the organization especially now where now technology changed are important.
It is the function of the personnel managers to recruit and select staff
The personnel manager or department is responsible health and safety of the organization which will help them to work effectively for the attainment of their goals or aims.
This is the work of personnel management/ department to identify and to recruit their workers which will help to enhance the effectiveness of the workers.
This is the duty of personnel management/ department to enforce organizational rules and regulation which will serve as a guide in the organizational dealings.
JOINT CONSULATION AND LABOUR RELATION:            The personnel managements are responsible to hold a joint consultation to resolve any discrepancy with an organization which might lead to rivalry among themselves.
The personnel management are responsible for administering wages and salaries to its workers and determine adequate compensation for staffs of the organization.
It is the duty of the personnel management to select the qualified staffs suitable for a particular job through screening of applications of which will help to know a particular candidates or staff that can do the available job effectively.
Training of staffs for suitable posts are done by the personnel management which will make work to both employer and    employee.
1.3              SCOPE OF THE STUDY
Cotton mills Onitsha is chosen in order to limit the scope of this research.  This will enhance appropriate investigation.
In the course of this project it was discovered that cotton mills limited has staff strength of five hundred including personnel management/ department. This will go long way in answering the question relating to personnel management for which this project is addressing.
Moreover certain problems presents in cotton mill limited is bases for this project work this company comes to mind because it was considers that there would be enough factors that would help the investigation to yield a fruitful results.
Again this study will cover as best is can be the cases where peace rule the industrial entity of cotton mills limited
Suggestion will be made on measure that could go someway to ensure continued harmony in the organization.
Lastly to cover how workers are handled in various department to enable them not only to perform effectively and efficiently but to have job satisfaction. When workers are satisfied and happy with their work they will have the zeal to work and to put up their best.
These are staffs persons and workers employed to any more especially in public organization.
This is the act of managing being managed.
This is one of the several divisions of government business shop or university
This is adding to the value attraction power of something
Area of land planned and used for the building of factories (to be rented to management)
Agreement of feeling interest and opinions. It could also be pleasing combination of related things.
Organized body of persons organizes systems during a particular work to achieve a particular aim.
Is an at of recruitment selecting placing etc of people in an organization.
Identifying the need of the personnel
Is the obedience of the organization rules and regulations
Going through something and then choose the one needed
This is the payment made or received for or service.
This is a specific amount paid to workers for the service rendered which could be monthly
For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0273
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.7K
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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM0273
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 3 Chapters
    No of Pages 44 Pages
    Methodology Simple Percentage
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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