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  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0610
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 61 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.4K
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    Every organization becomes what it is largely because of her leader. This explains why in any organization, there are usually individuals responsible for organizing or directing the affairs and activities of such organization. These individual are usually people who have the ability to lead the other people in an organization to work towards the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization in order move the organization forward.
    Leadership is a part of management, which deals with influencing activities of individuals in the effort toward goal achievement in a given situation.
    The impact of effective leadership style should not be neglected because it leads to co-operation among employees and leaders in the organization.
    It also brings about mutual relationship between employees and leaders in the organization.
    It also brings about greater productivity and the attainment of set goals objectives.
    A leader must posses the following characteristics.
i.    He must be friendly with his employees.
ii.    he must be willing to accept responsibilities
iii.    He must be able to plan for the future
iv.    He must be socially active by participating in group function e.t.c
    When leaders possesses some of these characteristics in dealing with his employees, I believe the employees will work in harmony and peace towards the attainment of organizational goals.
    In relation to this topic, Union bank of Nigeria plc was establish in 1917 as a colonial bank with its first branch in Lagos, in 1925. Barclays bank acquired the colonial bank which resulted in change of the bank’s naira to Barclays Bank (Dominio Colorial and overseas). By the enactment of the 1972 and 1977 in Nigeria enterprises promotion Act, Barclays Bank international disposed its shares holding to Nigeria in 1979. In compliance with the companies and Allied matter Act, 1990, it assumed the name Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.
    The Union Bank Plc, Oleh branch is headed by Benin City, and was established on Friday July, 24th 1998 by a representative of Delta State Government. The bank was opened with 7 (seven) staff among whom Mr. Benson Almual, A.A. Aklu and Ologho the first customer.
    The fundamental purpose of the bank is to provide fianncail services. It provide short term loans to businesses and customers in order to increase the grass-root economic and social development for both individuals and organizations of rural and Urban areas.
    The concept of effective leadership style in stimulating employees job performance, is primarily concerned with mutual relationship between employees and leaders and the willingness of employees to put in their best effort, so that the desire goal of the organization can be achieved.
    However, poor leadership style leading to poor job performance as most leaders lack the managerial power, their emphasis are often directed towards forcing their employees.
    Finance is another problem encounter in effective leadership style.
    Inconsistency in government policies also constituted another problem to effective leadership style.
    The objective of the study are as follow:
    To identify the various leadership styles and their impact on workers performance.
    To people to understand leadership process as an important phenomenon in an organization.
    To look at the problems associated with leadership process in an organization and provide solution to such problem by way of recommendation.
i.    Does leadership has any impact on worker performance?
ii.    Do employees take part in decision making process of the organization?
iii.    Does inconsistency in government policies after leadership style?
iv.    Do leader have mutual relationship with employees
1.    Ho: Leadership style has no impact on workers     performance.
     Hi: Leadership style has impact on workers     performance.
2.    Ho: Employees do not take part in the decision making     process.
    Hi: Employees do take part in the decision making     process.
3.    Ho: Inconsistency in government policies does not     affect the leadership style.
    Hi: Inconsistency in government policies do    affect the     leadership style.
4.    Ho: Leaders do not have mutual relationship with     employees.
    Hi: Ho: Leaders do have mutual relationship with     employees.
The study cover an area of Delta State private sector, particularly, Union Bank LTD, Oleh. It is concern with the impact of effective leadership style in stimulating employees job performance, for the advancement of organizational set goals.
    This study is aim to discover the extent of effective leader-ship style on employees of Union Bank Ltd, Oleh.
    It is intended to explore the kind or relationship existing among leaders and employees within a view of correcting disputes.
    The study will find ways of achieving the best result in term of services render to customers.
    The study will also set ways of maintaining an acceptable and conducive atmosphere at the work place and reduce tension and industrial unrest.
    The study also intend to contribute to existing knowledge in the area of employee’s job performance and hence stimulating further studies on the topic, since improvements are made everyday, that can lead to formulation of policies by the government.
    In the course of carrying out this study, a lot of problem were encountered.
    Financial problem:- The researcher was not financially fit and as a result, the researcher could not find it easy in moving froim one place to another.
    Another problem encountered was the inability to convince the management of the organization that the aim of the research was merely for academic purpose. Some management staff refused to disclose some fact and data useful for the study. This also posed some problem in writing this project.
    Also some received the questionnaire but refused to fill them. A study of this magnitude should not be limited to a short period of time.
1.    Leader:- A leader is a person who direct the behavour of group members and give instruction on how a task is to be done.
ii.    Leadership: Is the process of influencing the activities of organized group toward goal setting and goal achievement.
iii.    Employee: Is a person employed to work under a leader and be is being directed and organized by a leader.
iv.    Objective: Is the aim an organization wants to achieved.
v.    Organization: This means two or more people getting together for a purpose.
vii.    Relationship: The way two or more people are connected.
viii.    Co-operation: The willingness to be helpful and do want you are asked to do.
Managerial power: The power of directing workers to work toward achievement of good.
Responsibility: A duty placed on someone.

For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0610
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 61 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.4K
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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM0610
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 61 Pages
    Methodology Simple Percentage
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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