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   This    research   work   scrutinized the  impact   of    managing  rural  development  through  industrialization.   Rural   development   management   is   very   importance as   for us attainment of the development objective   is   concerned,    particularly in   enhancing the organizational productivity.  In    order  to achieve   the   objectives,  the   rural   dwellers  must  be  willing to  offer  their  time  towards  the protection  of  the  development  al   projects  which  will   help  to  increase  the   effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  the  rural  dwellers.
     Development   in   the   rural   areas has   to be identified   in the said employments. the  local  government  in  the  collaboration  with  the  employers   can  then  decide  on   the   development   pattern   for them  and  instructions  introduced   to   start  up  the   program   so   as  to   ascertain   if   the  program  has   achieved  the  objective  of  which  it  was  conducted. The developmental plan should also be    evaluated. 


Title page   ------------------------------------------------------------i
Certification  ---------------------------------------------------------ii
Dedication -----------------------------------------------------------iii
Acknowledgement--------------------------------------------------- iv
Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------vi
Table  of  contents  ----------------------------------------------- vii
1.0 Background of the study                1-3
1.1 Statement of problems                   4-5
1.3 Purpose of the study                   6
1.4 Scope of the study                        7
1.5 Research question                         7
1.6 Significance of the study             8
1.7 Imitations of the study                9
1.8 Lack of adequate data 10
Definition of terms                11-12
Reference                13

LITERATURE REVIEW                                               
2.1 Historical  background of Ezeagu local  government  14-17
2.2 Industrialization in Ezeagu local  government  council   18   
2.3 Advantages of industrialization  -------------------------19-20            
2.4 Problems associated with industrialization in  rural
 Area    ------------------------------------------------------------21-22
2.5 Management  rural   Industrialization-------------------23-27   
     REFERENCE      --------------------------------------------------------------------28                                                                            
3.1 Source  of data    ------------------------------------------29                                            
3.2 Area  of the study-----------------------------------------30                                                    
3.3 Population  of  study    ------------------------------------31                                                     
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure technique ----32                        
3.5 Instrument for  data collection-------------------------32                                                    
3.6 Validation  of  the  instrument  -------------------------32                                                     
3.7 Reliability  of  the instrument--------------------------33                                                       
3.8 Method of  data  collection ------------------------------33                                                        
3.9 Questionnaire  administration---------------------------34                                                       
3.10 Interview   method   ---------------------------------------34                                                     
3.11 Method   of  data   analysis   ----------------------------34                                                          
REFERENCE   ----------------------------------35 
Data presentation and analysis----------------36
Presentation of data -------------------------36
Analysis of data------------------------------36-42 
Testing of hypothesis ------------------------43        
Reference ------------------------------------44                                                                           
5.1 Result finding  ---------------------------45-46                                                      
5.2 Conclusion ----------------------------------47                                                      
5.3 Implication of the research finding ---------48                                   
5.4 Recommendations  ----------------------------49                                                          
5.5 Bibliography  -------------------------------50                                                                                
QUESTIONNAIRE  ---------------------------------52                                                                 


In   1976,  a   uniform  system of   local   government  was  introduced,  according   to  local  government   reform   of   1976,   the  primary  involved   is   to  take  development   direct  from   the  centre  to the   people  at  the  rural area  through  the  local   government.
     Hence,  the  same   reforms ( 1996:1) describes   local   government  as    a   tool   for   rural  development   some  of  these  motive are   the  conscious   attempt  of  the   federal  government   involve  people   in  the   management  of  their  rural   affairs  through  which   the human and material    resources    of  the    rural    dwellers  can  be   effectively   mobilized,   topped   and   udenced   into   industrialization  rescores.  Since  Nigeria   started  existing  as  a  nation,    development   has  been    talking  place   especially   in   the   urban    area   for the   fact   that  man  often  craves  for   what  is  good,   it is  often  that  people   usually  migrate   to   urban  area    where  there   are   provision   for  the   comfort and  welfare    of  man  by  way    of    social   amenities  and  the   infrastructural   provision.   This   exodus of   people  is  necessitated   by  the    fact    that  rural   area  are  often    neglected   on  terms  of  development  but  those  who  rush to  urban  area  seem  to  have  for  gotten  that   there’s every   need to    develop  the  rural   area  because  they  are  the  bases  to  beginning  and   terminal   destination  Odenigwe   1979.4.  postulated  that  the  rural   abundant  natural  resources   unrepressed,  for  this   to     be    her messed,  it  would   require  integrating   rural  people  in   the  rural  development  exercise  through  the  provision  of  small  scale  industries  of  different  types  he  defines  industrialization as  an  integrated  process  of  developing  industries  that  would  extract,  manufacture,  convert  raw  materials   into  finished  goods  are services.  Industries, that means   difference things to different people  and  circumstance.  Spic (1968 )  started  that   industrialization  embraces  the  means  by  which  man  controls  or  modifies  its  natural  resources, it  is  that  growing  engine   of  changer industrialization  is the  major means  of  people  adjusting  to development.  It  has  to  do  with  techniques  and   tools   with  which  people utilize   the  material   resources  of   their environment  to  satisfy  their various  needs  and  desires.  Industrialization  is  of  course  an  application  of    practical  or  mechanical    science  to industry  or  commerce,  it  is a  technical  know  low,  scientific   ideas,  information,  body   of  knowledge  or  material  or  goods   and services  capable of  being  systematic  and  sequential  in  the generation communicable   and   adoptable to  application  in  a  given  economic,   political, social   and  cultural  miliu.  Against  this  background   we    conclude  that    industrialization  embraces    a   body   of  organized   knowledge,   tools   and  machines  used   by   man  to   manipulate his  environment  to  satisfy  his  basic   needs,   it is  on  this  platform  that  the  subject   matter managing  rural  development  through  industrialization  is  draw.  In   managing  rural   development   the  basic  role of  management  is to  plan,  organize   direct  and  control ,  it  is  our  collective   view  that  managers  lead   other  flour plan,   manpower   rather    than  direct,  pattern  rather  than  organize  and  access  rather  than  control.  The  effectiveness   of  management   arises  from  leadership  effort  towards,   the  simultaneous  creation  of  a  cooperative  and  learning  organization   of  facilitate  the  implementation  process  of  management  practices  which  when  implemented  support  rural  and  national  development organization survival and effective   utilization  of  resources  for  the  benefit   of  mankind.
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    Type Project
    Department Public Administration
    Project ID PUB0735
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 57 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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