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The main purpose of this research work was to assess the effects of stress on the academic performance of students using the Faculty of Education of the University of Uyo as a case study. The research questions were tested by administering 100 copies of (16) item questionnaire to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work examines teacher stress and frustration and this academic performance of students. A sample of (120) 44 male and 76 Females were randomly selected from four (4) second any schools in Kosofe local Government Area. The Instrument employed was a questionnaire; Chi square tool of statistical analysis was used to test the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the study Constructively, a sentence is an anthology of words that convey meaning and meaning and are formed according to the common sense of grammar. Short and unambiguous sentences are mostly considered and more effective for long and complex sentences. Apparently, sentence is a linguistic unit... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Considering financial stress as a possible predictor of issues in academic and social functioning and satisfaction among undergraduate residential college students this work is on the impact of financial stress on students academic performance. This study is to be carried out... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Schools all over the world are places where learning is sought after; they are centers for academic pursuits. Regrettably, Nigerian schools especially the secondary schools have fallen short of what these ideals are and they are beset by numerous problems which are affecting their proper functioning... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to assess the effects of stress on the academic performance of University school students in Nasarawa State using Keffi Local Government Area as a case study. Four research questions were developed. The research questions were tested by administering 100 copies of (16) item questionnaire to... Continue Reading
OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BENIN STUDENTS AS A CASE-STUDY ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to assess the effects of stress on the academic performance of students using the Faculty of Education of the University of Benin as a case study. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to assess the effects of stress on the academic performance of University school students in Nasarawa State using Keffi Local Government Area as a case study. Four research questions were developed. The research questions were tested by administering 100 copies of (16) item questionnaire to... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to observe the least amount of acute restraint stress that was needed to produce significant changes in the oxidative stress parameters. Stress may be defined as a complex dynamic condition in which the homeostasis of an organism is disturbed or threatened. Several studies have reported on the effects of stress on the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was conducted on , Pankshin local government area of plateau state. This study employed survey research design. Based on the focus of the study, three research objectives, and corresponding research questions and two basic assumptions were... Continue Reading
This work is designed to examine the problem of academic stress among students of the University of Cape Coast, School of Business, its causes and ways of controlling it to enhance the students’ performance. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of stress on the academic performance of University of Cape Coast, School of Business... Continue Reading
. ABSTRACT This study looks at the effects of stress on the academic performance of students, source of stress and the strategies by which the effect of stress can be reduced among students of the College of Education, Ekiadolor-Benin.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Despite the existence of studies on specific areas relating to college students' stress such as coping behaviors, stress in relation to health, and stress management there is little documentation existing on the specific factors that cause stress and burnout amongst college students. A more holistic assessment needs to be carried out to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of job stress on employee job satisfaction. The study was to investigate the relationship between job stress and employee satisfaction. The descriptive survey research design was used because the whole population cannot be effectively studied. For the purpose of this research three banks... Continue Reading
Abstract This study is on effect of stress on workers performance. The total population for the study is 200 staff of first bank osogbo, Lagos state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133... Continue Reading
: A CASE STUDY OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EKIADOLOR-BENIN ABSTRACT This study looks at the effects of stress on the job performance of workers, source of stress and the strategies by which the effect of stress can be reduced among staffs of the college of education, Ekiadolor. The objective was... Continue Reading
(A Case Study Of Anammco And Emenite Aluminum Company Enugu) ABSTRACT According to research studies into the relationship between a worker’s life and his job, stress is assuming a position as number one killer disease in the modern society. The purpose of his work was to find out the effects of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Stress has been well known to have negative effects on the lives of individuals including their health, social interactions and work. This study looked into the effect stress has on the secretary’s job performance. The study defined stress to be ‘the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response’. Purposive... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Creating a high performance organization is a popular theme in the training and development field. To survive in these competitive times, organization cannot afford anything less. Creating a high performance organization requires understanding what factors influence performance one of the most... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of job stress on employee job satisfaction. The study was to investigate the relationship between job stress and employee satisfaction. The descriptive survey research design was used because the whole population cannot be effectively studied. For the purpose of this research three banks... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT             According to the research made concerning the relationship between a worker’s life and his job, stress is assuming as number one killer disease in the modern world. The aim of this work was to find out the effect of stress on secretaries job performance, what factors caused this stress and how their effects were... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0                                          INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY           It has been acknowledged that job stress plays a role in employee performance. This nation has its root in what is called attention theory. Simply put attention theory asserts that the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Stress has been well known to have negative effects on the lives of individuals including their health, social interactions and work. This study looked into the effect stress has on the secretary’s job performance. The study defined stress to be ‘the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response’. Purposive... Continue Reading
Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of occupational stress on employee performance and how effectively it can be managed. The objectives of the study were to identify causes of occupational stress in MTN Uganda, examine management competence in managing occupation stress and assess the effect of occupational stress on... Continue Reading
AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The overall objective of the study is to examine the effect of work stress on employee’s performance. Specifically, other relevant objectives will include the followings; (i) To examine whether or not organizational climate contribute to work stress. (ii) To find out the effect of job characteristics and personal... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT   In today’s competitive global environment, employee productivity is an essential element of a company’s success. Employee productivity can be significantly hindered by high level of stress experienced in the work environment. Stress is a universal element and persons from nearly every walk of life have to face stress. Employers... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Job life is one of the important parts of our daily lives which cause a great deal of stress. Due to the competitive nature of the job environment, most of the people in the world arc spending their time for job related work purposes resulting in ignoring the stress or influencing... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The issues of stress and poor health at work have become the focus in several work places; as these have resulted in many dramatic and sometimes tragic incidents perpetrated by troubled or disturbed individuals. The problem of stress at work is slowly emerging as a new challenge requiring attention and sources of employers and employees.... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY There is increasing evidence which suggests that today more than ever before, employees are working in an atmosphere of anxiety and stress. A fundamental and dynamic shift is taking place in the world of work. Many have called this change the third... Continue Reading
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