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Department: Biology Education
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Impact Of Laboratory Practical On Senior Secondary School Student Academic Achievement In Ss2 Biology, Chemistry And Mathematics In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the impact of laboratory practical on senior secondary school academic achievement in SS 2 Biology, Chemistry... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the impact of laboratory practical on senior secondary school academic achievement in SS 2 Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The long held motion is that practical offers students a more realistic experience in science but Lunetta (2008),... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the impact of laboratory practical on senior secondary school academic achievement in SS 2 Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The long held motion is that practical offers students a more realistic experience in science but Lunetta (2008),... Continue Reading
IN ENUGU EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA. ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practical activities on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Enugu East Local Government Area of EnuguState.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practical activities on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. Chapter one and two is the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. The background of the study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practical activities on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. Chapter one and two is the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. The background of the study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing and determining the effect of school environment and facilities on the academic performance of students in secondary schools West African Secondary School Certificate Examination. Survey method was used to survey the entire study area, Simple random sampling technique was used to select25 respondents... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing and determining the effect of school environment and facilities on the academic performance of students in secondary schools West African Secondary School Certificate Examination. Survey method was used to survey the entire study area, Simple random sampling technique was used to select25 respondents... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practicals on the secondary school students academic performance in biology in Enugu State (A case study of Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State). The long held notion is that practicals offer students a more realistic experience in sciences but Hunetta... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practicals on the secondary school students academic performance in biology in Enugu State (A case study of Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State). The long held notion is that practicals offer students a more realistic experience in sciences but Hunetta... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The senior secondary which is also three years of training, involves development of the scientific skills learnt in the JSS (junior Secondary School) level, while the four years of university education relate to the adaptation of the skills learnt. It is these skills that the... Continue Reading
Introduction Science is the bedrock on which modern day technological breakthrough is hinged. Different authors according to their own understanding have defined Science. Igwe (2003) defined science as a systematic study of the nature of the behaviour of the material and physical universe through observation, experimentation, measurement and... Continue Reading
                                                   ABSTRACT Academic performance is at the centre of educational enterprise as the effort of almost all stakeholders is targeted at improving academic performance. Achievement is a potent and significant index of academic performance as it determines the extent to which... Continue Reading
Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of computer-aided instruction on the academic achievement of students in commerce in senior secondary schools in Delta State. The study utilized a quasi-experimental design. Six research questions were used, so as to help find a good instructional method that will help to... Continue Reading
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Abstract This study investigated the predictive validity of JSCE and Joint SS2 promotion Examination scores on senior secondary school Students' performance in SSCE in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State. This study adopted correlational research and ex-post facto research design. The research work was carried out, using two schools... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Nigeria is thoroughly made up of different State with different languages. English language and Biology continues to perform significant and elaborate functions in almost all the facets of our life. A particularly unique place, where variability and vitality in the use of English is greatly experienced is in the domain of the mass media,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Nigeria is thoroughly made up of different State with different languages. English language and Biology continues to perform significant and elaborate functions in almost all the facets of our life. A particularly unique place, where variability and vitality in the use of English is greatly experienced is in the domain of the mass media,... Continue Reading
Abstract This study determined the effect of socio-Economics background on Academic performance of Secondary school Biology Students in order to study this topic, effect four research questions were raised and answered literature reviews related to this study were reviewed in the following subheadings. They are important of Biology concept of... Continue Reading
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