ABSTRACT One reason for the current revival of interest in Kelsen is the desire for an alternative to the empiricist and natural law approaches that have been the main competitors in English-language philosophy of law. Unlike empiricists, for whom the law is reducible to social facts, Kelsen argues that legal interpretation concerns non-empirical... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Philosophy, a discipline as old as the human faculty of reason has its thrust on the good life for man. It employs the instrumentality of contemplation, reflection, analysis and criticism to arrive at truth. African philosophy has its orientation in communalism, as contra-distinguished from Western philosophy which is individualistic in... Continue Reading
Death is a factual reality that every human being must encounter. However one fundamental question runs through the minds of men, “what happens after death?” when we die is that the end of our existence or is there a continuous existence in another form? There have been various stories about events that seem to suggest that even after death... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The belief in reincarnation is, of course, a central theme of many Eastern religions. Belief in rebirth has been reported amongst people scattered the length and breadth of the African continent. Their beliefs ranges from ‘partial’ reincarnation of an ancestor in one or several individuals strictly within the same family, to that of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT One reason for the current revival of interest in Kelsen is the desire for an alternative to the empiricist and natural law approaches that have been the main competitors in English-language philosophy of law. Unlike empiricists, for whom the law is reducible to social facts, Kelsen argues that legal interpretation concerns non-empirical... Continue Reading
A surrogate, which is synonymous with words such as “deputize,” “foster,” and “substitute,” is not a strange word for many persons, even in Africa. It explains the condition that births a person or animal acting as a substitute for the social or personal role of another, such as a surrogate mother. However, commendable as this sounds,... Continue Reading
Our experience and knowledge of the human nature are always incomplete and fragmentary. This inability to achieve a comprehensive grasp of what we are is often revealed as we attempt to clarify the concepts that emerge from our lopsided understanding of human nature. The concept of self is a case point. In this essay, we focused on the idea of... Continue Reading
This research work “Logical Atomism: A Contemporary Philosophical Trend” will present an analysis of philosophical trend of logical atomism down to logical positivism. This research work will therefore examine what the movement entails and depicts, challenges, flaws, achievement, the gap in knowledge and critique levelled against them. Hence... Continue Reading
Humankind’s quest for the control of nature has led to the waging of unwinnable wars over natural forces and manifestations. Nigeria is challenged by some environmental problems just like other parts of the world and the consequences are alarming as damages done to the environment have become evidently noticeable. Nigeria has a total land area... Continue Reading
This research focuses on the philosophical outlook of the patient autonomous decision and the physician’s beneficent duty. The reconciliation or balancing of both principles of autonomy and beneficence has been a bone of contention among scholars. Although some scholars have balanced both principles it has still been debated. In analyzing these... Continue Reading
PROLIFERATION OF CHURCHES IN NIGERIA AND THE RISE IN MORALDECADENCE IN OUR SOCIETY. A STUDY OF AMAC, ABUJA. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYThe issue of moral decadence in our society is a thing that needs to be looked into, manythings have gone wrong since most people do not think it upright in action at some circumstance.The... Continue Reading
When German idealism, which reached its peak in Hegel’s philosophy of absolute spirit, was criticized and consequently jettisoned, because of the little concern it has for the human person, the desire to develop a philosophy that focuses on the human person began to take shape in the hearts of philosophers. This desire was reawakened after the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The greatest tragedy in life that is worse than death is to deny one his human rights. From the antiquity of human existence, Nature has endowed man with certain privileges and rights, a fact that cannot be gain-said. Man being created in the image of God [imago dei] was given a right that is fundamental over all that is. From the history... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT As in any other scientific field, we can speak of the advent of a new epoch in biomedical science and technology. The many novel advances which underlie our unfolding knowledge about man and reveal the possibilities of his... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between self-esteem and locus of control among well-functioning Adolescents. A total of 100 Adolescents (55 males and 45 females) selected from senior secondary school were used. The participants were within the age range of 15-19 years with a mean age of 17 years. Three set of instrument... Continue Reading
BACKGROUND OF STUDY 1.1 Introduction To live without conflicts is not to exist. The culture of conflict is universal and noticeable in every society. In so far as there are conflicting interests and divergent ideas even in relation to the same issues.Conflicts therefore is inevitable,... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY What is knowledge? What can be known? What is it to know? Or put simply; what is the possibility of an absolute truth and certainty in knowledge? These are fundamental questions in epistemology. Aristotle, the ancient Greek... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Inter-religious dialogue imply any form of getting together and communication between religious communities or groups in a spirit of sincerity, reverence for persons, and a certain trust, in order to achieve either a greater grasp of... Continue Reading
POWER AND AUTHORITY IN NICCOLO MACHIAVELLIS THOUGHT: AN ETHICAL EVALUATION ABSTRACT What power is and what authority is inform some serious concerns in philosophical arena. For the many, power is the ability to do something, while authority is the power to give orders and enforce obedience. There are so many views on these concepts. But in this... Continue Reading
” ABSTRACT This work is an appraisal based on Edmund Gettier’s problem with the traditional account of knowledge which states that the basic conditions of knowledge is justification, truth and belief (JTB). This definition of knowledge is credited to Plato in... Continue Reading
. ABSTRACT This research work attempt to examine the Boko Haram insurgency as a fight against western culture: an analysis of people perception in the south-south region of Nigeria. The work has five chapters, each chapter... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This work studies the discourse of political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes who committed Himself to the task of tracing the origin of the state. As a political entity in 1651 in his book titled ‘Leviathan’ This was necessitated by the fact in the 17th century; Europe experience a... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION The topic for examination is a very interesting one as it poses puzzles, complex observations and scholarly thoughts into the world of the feminine. An... Continue Reading