Challenges faced by workers in part time programmes in university of Benin - Project Ideas |

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Quality in higher education has been important for decades. In Kenya, quality in universities  was embraced some years back by facilitating the vigorous vetting of programmes; matching  the programmes with the existing capacity and competent sourcing of human resources to  run the programmes. Part-time employment has thus become a common... Continue Reading
Quality in higher education has been important for decades. In Kenya, quality in universities was embraced some years back by facilitating the vigorous vetting of programmes; matching the programmes with the existing capacity and competent sourcing of human resources  to run the  programmes. Part-time employment has thus become a common... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out if visually impaired students at Midlands State University are facing similar challenges as students in Namibia at Secondary schools in their learning environments. The researcher intended to find solutions to the problems that are faced by the visually impaired students at Midlands State... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A study was conducted on the assessment of the nature of complication due to long waiting time in A/E:RADIOGRAPHERS PERCEPTION in the X-Ray Department , university of Benin Teaching Hospital .Questionnaire was distributed to medical staffs , observation was also used as a source of data collection on the possible causes of complication... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A study was conducted on the assessment of the nature of complication due to long waiting time in A/E:RADIOGRAPHERS PERCEPTION in the X-Ray Department , university of Benin Teaching Hospital .Questionnaire was distributed to medical staffs , observation was also used as a source of data collection on the possible causes of complication... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This paper investigated the challenges or constraints of women in continuing higher education programme with particular focus on the b.ed part-time programme of the usman danfodiyo university sokoto. A simple survey research design was employed to explore the issue. A 4 item questionnaire supplemented with oral interview sessions provided... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Cancer of the cervix remains the most common malignant neoplasm of the female genitalia and the second most common cancer in women.. Cervical Cancers screening serves to detect the possibility that a cancer is present. The main objective of the study was to determine the knowledge and acceptability of Cervicals Cancer Screening among... Continue Reading
BACKGROUND OF STUDY It is a widely accepted fact that technology enhanced system of education, including distance and online instructions, is the known viable instrument necessary for preparing students to participate in the... Continue Reading
. ABSTRACT The Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. The growth of online shopping has been characterized by strong consumer demands and the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The general objective of the study is to ascertain the sexual harassment and violent culture in Nigerian Universities, the study also investigate the following:Factual causes of sexual harassment, Effect of sexual... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study In the past, critical organization studies have been characterized by increasingly textured and insightful analyses of workplace and organizational culture... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Leadership style differs from one organization to the other. Leadership styles determines to a great extent the success or otherwise of an organization since all other variables in an organization depend on... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page --------ii Certification --------iii Dedication --------iv Acknowledgement ------v Table of content -------vi List of tables --------ix Abstract ---------xi CHAPTER ONE:... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY           Retirement is a phase of life that every employee must reach whether prepared for or not. It is the point in time when an employee chooses to leave his or her employment permanently (which could be voluntary or involuntary), and generally coincides with the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The pattern and profile & energy use prevailing today raises important questions about linkages between energy and the economy, social issues, security and above all, environmental protection. Rwanda has a number of potential energy resources from blomass, hydro, solar, petroleum, methane gas, wind and geothermal. However, the major Issue... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The study shows that challenges faced by the legal profession in the 21 '' century in kamala Uganda can be attributed to the inadequacy and inefficiency of existing advanced legal norms and enforcement practice. The author paints a brief picture of the state to which legal profession in 21'1 century has an impact on professions. A... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Title: Assess challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital Broad objective: To determine challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done at Narok District hospital on staff and women attended to in labour ward. Convenience sampling patients was used with a... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Title: Assess challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital Broad objective: To determine challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done at Narok District hospital on staff and women attended to in labour ward. Convenience sampling patients was used with a... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION To a large extent, the social, economics, and political development of a country depend on the quality of man power that it has at disposal. In commenting on this ‘‘Kuznets’’ said the major man power of an industrially, advanced country is not it’s physical equipment, it is the body of knowledge harnessed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This paper reports on the findings of a research study that investigated on the challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in two of the secondary schools in Lower Gwelo Cluster. The study made use of a mixed method approach .The research methodology was underpinned by a descriptive survey .The specific... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT    This research assesses the challenges that small ICT firms are facing in Tanzania for a period of 10 years (2004 – 2014). It looks at the challenges that small ICT firms are facing in the industry and relate them to their performance. Moreover, it assesses the impact of the main critical challenges to small ICT firms in Tanzania... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT 111e researcher saw that mentally challenged learners in Mutira Zone are not learning well since some regular teachers have negative attitudes towards them. So sue lo this, the reseacher wants to investigate problems facing inclusion of mentally challenged learners in an inclusive setting. The researcher designed questionnaires and... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Managers are the community that visibly stands apart in present-day business organization, although heterogeneous and difficult to unequivocal defining. The reasons for this phenomenon are concerned with the process of ownership and management’s separation, therefore with so called... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research assesses the challenges that small ICT firms are facing in Tanzania for a period of 10 years (2004 – 2014). It looks at the challenges that small ICT firms are facing in the industry and relate them to their performance. Moreover, it assesses the impact of the main critical challenges to small ICT firms in Tanzania and the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research seeks to bring out the psycho-social challenges that are faced by children living in the streets of Mutare. The study was anchored on the notion that children living in the streets are human beings that should enjoy their lives just like any other children. However, in Zimbabwe and other countries this is not the case as some... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to find out the benefit and constraints of Adult Education Programmes in the Prison: A case study of Oko Prison Benin City. Some assumptions and statement of problems were made and a sample of ninety four (94)... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study explored the challenges of using English as a medium of instruction in the upper part of primary schools in rural Uganda. The sample consisted of the head teacher; pupils and teachers of upper primary school grades (five to seven), from one selected primary school in Mpigi district. The research questions used were: How do... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION I An Overview of language in education policy in Uganda I I .2 Statement ol the Problem 5 -4 1 .3 Purpose of the study 6 1.4 Speci[ic Oh~ectives oithe study 6 1 .5 Research questions 7 .5. ~1ain escaich question 7... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study investigated the challenges faced by headteachers in the management of indiscipline in public secondary schools in Lamu County. Students discipline is critical to the attainment of positive school outcomes. Lack of it makes a mockery of the stated important goals that secondary school education is supposed to achieve. Poor... Continue Reading
Looking at the plight of learners with physical disability in inclusive setting in Emuhaya  division primary schools, the study seeks to unveil the current appalling situation in view of  the policy and practice of inclusive education of learners through improved practice  approaches, like early intervention, finances, provision of facilities... Continue Reading
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