Effect of Broken Home on Academic Performance and Healthful Development of a Child - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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IN OREDOLOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA   ABSTRACT This research work is on the effect of broken homes on the academic performance of secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Different opinions and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work is on the effect of broken homes on the academic performance of secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Different opinions and views... Continue Reading
IN THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EKIADOLOR-BENIN ABSTRACT This project work deals with the effect of broken homes on the academic performance of students in College of Education, Ekiadolor Benin City. School of Vocation, School of Science, School of Arts and social sciences, School of... Continue Reading
EFFECT OF BROKEN HOMES ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NIGERIA                                 ABSTRACT The study examined the effects of broken home on academic performances of secondary student schools in Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted with the sample consisting of... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Unity is the so desire of every family in the society today; but the issue of broken home is on the high side in most of our societies today. There are so many factors responsible for the rate of broken homes in our society today; the major concern of... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF BROKEN HOME ON CHILD BEHAVIOUR CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Unity is the soul desire of every family in the society today; but the issue of broken home is on the high side in most of our societies today. There are so many factors responsible for the rate of broken homes in our society today; the major concern... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work deals with the effect of broken homes on the academic performance of students in College of Education, Ekiadolor Benin City. School of Vocation, School of Science, School of Arts and social sciences, School of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT An attempt at knowing the impact of broken home on student’s academic performance accounts for the present study. To embark on this study, the descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted. A sample of 160 respondents was drawn from the students and teachers of four selected schools in Ijebu-North Local Government,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT An attempt at knowing the impact of broken home on student’s academic performance accounts for the present study. To embark on this study, the descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted. A sample of 160 respondents was drawn from the students and teachers of four selected schools in Ijebu-North Local Government,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of broken homes on the academic performance of children in Evboesi secondary school in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of broken homes on academic performance and psychosocial adjustment of secondary school students in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State. The descriptive survey design was used in this study. The research instrument used for this study was a questionnaire tagged (BHAP) which was adapted by the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project work was carried out in Egor local government area of Edo state and the ten schools were randomly selected to look out for the influence of home environment on the academic performance of a child. Some socio cultural problems which are likely to affect a... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT           The project work was carried out in Egor local government area of Edo state and the ten schools were randomly selected to look out for the influence of home environment on the academic performance of a child. Some socio cultural problems which are... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project work was carried out in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo state and the ten schools were randomly selected to look out for the influence of home environment on the academic performance of a child. Some socio cultural problems which are likely to affect a... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION  1.1  BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY  New technological inventions can have a great impact in organizations through its contributions to change the social environment while expediting sharing of knowledge and the development of new ideas. (Kling et al, 2005). Social Media will come in handy as a good example of new... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work will examine the impact of broken home on the academic performance of the school child. The problems, the challenges and the possible solution will also be look into. As a global... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This work is an investigation into the Effect of Child Abuse on Academic Performance and Social Development of Adolescents in Lagos Metropolis. The study used ten secondary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State. The sample of the study comprised Two Hundred (200) students, twenty (20) students were selected from each... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The first chapter deals with information about effect of Broken home on school drop-out such as the statement of the study, the purpose of the study, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, the researcher assumption as well as definition of terms. The second chapter on the other hand deals with reviewing of related... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examines the causes and the implications of broken homes on child development. This is as a result of the fact that the scourge of criminality and any other social vises are attributed to children from broken homes. The study reviewed some relevant literature based on the objectives of the study, and functionalist theories and... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT Home video programme acts as a means of transmitting information and materials from a diversity of national and international sources. The student’s personality can either be shaped positively or negatively by the home “video” programmes. Many of today’s most popular home video features nudity graphic sex and sickening... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF HOME “VIDEO” ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF SOME SELECTED SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BENIN CITY ABSTRACT Home video programme acts as a means of transmitting information and materials from a diversity of national and international sources. The student’s personality can either be shaped positively or negatively... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Continuous assessment is an academic issue, which has been emphasized recently by the Federal Ministry of Education, the need for the introduction of continuous assessments is reflected in various sections of the New National policy on Education. This study therefore investigated what is really meant by continuous assessment and weather... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs  of orphanage associated with such problems.  Motherless  babies  have nowadays  become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater  for themselves find... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs  of orphanage associated with such problems.  Motherless  babies  have nowadays  become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater  for themselves find... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project titled “broken home and children educational career”. The objective is to identify the causes of broken homes and their effect on the education performance of children in school. Means of collecting the data, the method used in gathering information and the research instrument... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project titled “broken home and children educational career”. The objective is to identify the causes of broken homes and their effect on the education performance of children in school. Means of collecting the data, the method used in gathering information and the research instrument... Continue Reading
Background of the Study The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs  of orphanage associated with such problems. Motherless  babies  have nowadays  become common because of the moral... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF HOME “VIDEO” ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF EGOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, EDO STATE ABSTRACT This home video programme acts as a means of transmitting information and materials from a diversity of national and international sources. The student’s personality can either be shaped positively or negatively by... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT             The aim of this study is to look into the effect of child labour on pupils’ academic performance in Egbeda Local Government Area of Oyo State. The instrument use is questionnaire to elicit information from one hundred and twenty pupils randomly selected from the six schools in Egbeda Local Government.... Continue Reading
: A CASE STUDY OF IGUEKHIHO COMMUNITY IN OVIA SOUTH WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE ABSTRACT           This research work was carried out in order to find out the effect of broken homes on the academic performance of a child. Some social and academic... Continue Reading
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