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THE IMPACT OF ADEQUATE COMPENSATION ON JOB PERFORMANCE  (A CASE STUDY OF GUINNESS NIGERIA PLC, BENIN CITY) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In corporate organizations and companies nowadays, working conditions and compensations have been large, especially since World War II. The statement that working conditions and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of effective compensation on the employees performance. Total compensation  is a concept which is not usually given attention in many organization. Compensation is mostly viewed as cash and therefore other aspects are neglected viewing compensation as a holistic system to manage for productivity is... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK OF NIGERIAN PLC ENUGU) ABSTRACT In all organisation, productivity is based on the design of the compensation variables to balance among various management levels. There are several compensation variable that could motivate people to work to their... Continue Reading
                  THE IMPACT OF COMPENSATION AND REWARD SYSTEM ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE  CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1    Introduction Organizations are established with the aim of effectively utilizing various available human and non-human resource to achieve certain objective. Among these resources in human, which is... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work emphasizes on the impact of reward and compensation system on the productivity of employee in an organization. The major objective of the study is to ascertain the possible change or impression of reward and compensation... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  This research work emphasizes on the impact of reward and compensation system on the productivity of employee in an organization. The major objective of the study is to ascertain the possible change or impression of reward and compensation system on the performance of employee in an organization and critically examine its impact on... Continue Reading
  IN PZ CUSSIONS NIGERIA PLC ABSTRACT The study attempted to examine the influence of compensation management on the performance of the employee as well as the overall efficiency of the organization. Relevant literatures were reviewed to highlight the subject matter. Pz Cussons Nig. Plc was... Continue Reading
Background: Vasectomy is a simple effective and safe surgical procedure for permanent male fertility control. However, high acceptance rates of vasectomy have been reported in developed countries, while low acceptance rates have been reported in developing countries like Nigeria.  Objective: This study was designed to investigate the knowledge... Continue Reading
Background: Vasectomy is a simple effective and safe surgical procedure for permanent male fertility control. However, high acceptance rates of vasectomy have been reported in developed countries, while low acceptance rates have been reported in developing countries like Nigeria. Objective: This study was designed to investigate the knowledge and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research study with the topic \'Impact of Employee Compensation on Entrepreneurial Productivity\' sort to find out if there was any significant improvement on entrepreneurial productivity by way of fair and adequate employee compensation. The most visible reward for work is monetary. Not surprising therefore, that employees place... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The performance of every firm is vital for its survival and existence. Critical to the success of every firm is its compensation policy as well as the extent of its corporate social responsibility.... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1       INTRODUCTION Organizations are established with primary aim of making profit and a secondary aim of effective utilization of available human and non-human resources. Among these resources is human, which is commonly seen as the most valuable asset an organization could use to earn competitive... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Compensation and benefits are two of the best tools for companies to recruit and retain quality employees. Enticing benefits and compensation also help existing employees stay motivated to excel each day at work. This study analyzedthe influences of compensation systems on employee performance in the MFIs. The study guided by specific... Continue Reading
Abstract Reward and compensation on team performance By Baguma Stephen Bachelor of business Administration: (Accounting option) The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the effects of reward and compensation on team performance in organizations especially BUDICO. In chapter one the researcher covered the background the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1            Background of the Study is one of the most complex and dynamic issues in organizational performance. For an organization to achieve its stated objectives, there is the need to effectively manage compensation, taken into cognizance one of the core aspect of resource... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR THE STUDY Although the various governments in the federation could acquire land at any time by working their power of eminent domain they still (most in the south) face the problem of rigidity associated with native laws and customs. In an attempt to breakdown these rigidity the various land laws were... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR THE STUDY Although the various governments in the federation could acquire land at any time by working their power of eminent domain they still (most in the south) face the problem of rigidity associated with native laws and customs. In an attempt to breakdown these rigidity the various land laws were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examines executive compensation packages and job satisfaction of fast consuming goods companies. Precisely, the study focused on Cadbury, Nestle and Dangote Nigeria Plc. The study employed descriptive survey method. The population of the study comprises of all management staff of Cadbury, Nestle and Dangote Nigeria Plc. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man. In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page ----------i Approval----------ii Declaration----------iii Dedication----------iv Acknowledgement---------v Table of Content----------vi Abstract----------viii CHAPTER ONE (INTRODUCTION) 1.1Background of the Study--------1  1.2Statement of the Problem--------2 1.3Aim and Objectives of the Study-------3... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Environment is man’s immediate surrounding and man in his exploration and innovation has always been tempering with his/her environment there by causing harm to the environment in his causes to making life easy and meaningful for its existence such as the exploration... Continue Reading
 ABSTRACT Environment is man’s immediate surrounding and man in his exploration and innovation has always been tempering with his/her environment there by causing harm to the environment in his causes to making life easy and meaningful for its existence such as the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man. In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT             The research focus on compensation policy as means of attracting and retaining employee, it present a conceptual and theoretical study of the nature of compensation and compensation plan and policy aim at attracting and retaining employee.... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF STAFF TRAINING AND COMPENSATION IN PUBLIC CORPORATION (A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU STATE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) ABSTRACT The project is a work on the role of staff training and compensation in public corporation [A case study of the Enugu state Agricultural Development Corporation (A case study of the Enugu State Agricultural... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The current method of compensation adopted by government has been criticized by many scholars and claimants. Scholars held a view that the compensation paid to the claimants is much inadequate. The claimants on the other hand do sometimes claim that the compensation paid to them does not restore them back to the state they were before the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man. In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man. In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The current method of compensation adopted by government has been criticized by many scholars and claimants. Scholars held a view that the compensation paid to the claimants is much inadequate. The claimants on the other hand do sometimes claim that the compensation paid to them does not restore them back to the state they were before the... Continue Reading
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