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Due to the increase of development of infrastructure in Uganda, many Construction Companies have emerge which do not provide the right standard of construction on this infrastructure. As a result many buildings that are constructed are collapsing due to failure to get the good companies to offer them these services. For this reason the Web Based... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plant and animals must have water to survive. If there is no water there would be no life on earth. Disease causing germs and chemicals find their way into water supplies when this happens, the water becomes polluted. The principal objective of this research work is to asses the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plant and animals must have water to survive. If there is no water there would be no life on earth. Disease causing germs and chemicals find their way into water supplies when this happens, the water becomes polluted. The principal objective of this research work is to asses the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0        INTRODUCTION Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer. It accounts for 60% of all cancer world wide (Melissa 2004). The most significance cause is the presence of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene. The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene.  The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the data collected.  It was discovered that cordial relationship exists between management employees of Anammco Plc... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene. The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the data collected. It was discovered that cordial relationship exists between management employees of Anammco Plc even... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene. The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the data collected. It was discovered that cordial relationship exists between management employees of Anammco Plc even... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene.  The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the data collected.  It was discovered that cordial relationship exists between management employees of Anammco Plc... Continue Reading
) ABSTRACT This research examined the degree of labour relationship between management and employees of Anammco Plc Emene. The population consisted the staff of Anammco including secretaries the sample is 100 for the analysis of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study proposes a method for classification based on a Pattern Trace Network and Principal Component Analysis. Using data from a public Senior High School, the proposed method was applied to forecast whether or not a Senior High School (SHS) student would qualify for admission into the university. The method’s performance and the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The Oil and Gas industry continues to struggle in finding a balance between rising global demand, diminishing known resources and in maintaining manageable distribution and operating costs. While mergers and consolidation continue, oil and gas management are determining other approaches to recover their base lines. One particular measure... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The Nigerian second Republic 1979 – 83 political system was base on the struggle for power among parties. This involves conflicts of interest and the actors are always eager to achieve their... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research project is a crucial study for the Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company (ANAMMCO) Enugu. This study was motivated by the necessity to establish the degree of employee participation in decision-making and its effect on productivity. To solve the research problem, both primary and secondary data were collected. The research... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research project is a crucial study for the Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company (ANAMMCO) Enugu. This study was motivated by the necessity to establish the degree of employee participation in decision-making and its effect on productivity. To solve the research problem, both primary and secondary data were collected. The research... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Automation plays a very important role in every field of human life. This project presents a simple design and implementation of a Wireless E-menu Restaurant Ordering System in which the traditional paper-based menu isreplaced by a user friendly Matrix keypad-based menu. The system has Atmega 328P microcontroller which is interfaced with... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT Self-help program and rural development, as the title implies is a strategy through the inhabitants of an area co-operatively undertaken the building or rehabilitation and provision of their basic needs of their community using their own effort and resources (Onajide et al 1990) based on the back ground, the research was conceived to... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE                                                               INTRODUCTION 1.4 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Urban areas are the engines of economic growth as well as location for complex network of activities essential to basin human function of living and working (Mattingly,... Continue Reading
(A Case Study Of Daughters Of Divine Love Juniorate) ABSTRACT Student achievement is profoundly influenced by the evaluation practice used by teachers in the classroom. Research in education has consistently shown achievement monitoring and feedback to be extremely important factors in the... Continue Reading
R program that calculate mathematical interest theory such as dollar weighted yield rate, time weighted yield rate, simple and compound interest  and all others.... Continue Reading
R program that calculate mathematical interest theory such as dollar weighted yield rate, time weighted yield rate, simple and compound interest  and all others.... Continue Reading
The Nigerian Prison Service (now referred to as the Nigerian Correctional centre/facility) is an indispensable Department of the Federal Ministry of Interior and is headed by a Comptroller General of the correctional facilities. However, right from inception, there seems to be palpable disenchantment among officers and men of the Nigeria Prisons... Continue Reading
The issue of Gender based violence or GBV as it is also called is a topic not to be discussed in a rush as it has to do strictly with the violation(s) of weaker humans. GBV is an issue of global concern, but it is more pronounced in African countries where there is a prevalence of a patriarchy, poverty, terrorism, human right abuses, inequality,... Continue Reading
The history of broadcasting in Nigeria can be traced back to 1932 when Lagos started  to  relay  the  British  empire  service  from  Daventry,  England.  The establishment of Western Nigeria Television on October 31, 1959 by Obafemi Awolowo,  in  his  capacity  as  the   premier  of  Western  Nigeria.  The  history  of... Continue Reading
IN ATIBA LOCAL GOVERNMENT  AREA OF OYO STATE 2007-2015 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Atiba local government area of Oyo State in the western part of Nigeria is known for their agricultural practices; cassava is one of the agricultural products that... Continue Reading
The Nigerian Prison Service (now referred to as the Nigerian Correctional centre/facility) is an indispensable Department of the Federal Ministry of Interior and is headed by a Comptroller General of the correctional facilities. However, right from inception, there seems to be palpable disenchantment among officers and men of the Nigeria Prisons... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to appraise the impact of Micro Projects Programme of European Union (MPP6) in Abia State on the living standard of the people. The introduction on the activities of micro projects programme in the Nine States of the Niger Delta tagged MPP3 and MPP6 respectively were traced. Attempt was made to review related... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to appraise the impact of Micro Projects Programme of European Union (MPP6) in Abia State on the living standard of the people. The introduction on the activities of micro projects programme in the Nine States of the Niger Delta tagged MPP3 and MPP6 respectively were traced. Attempt was made to review related... Continue Reading
A SURVEY OF RELEVANCE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION PROGRAM TOECONOMICDEVELOPMENT OF NIGERIA Abstract The study examined the relevance of Business Education program to economic development of Nigeria.The study found that Business Education is a vocational programme that enables individuals to develop skills, abilities and understanding to handle business... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Traditional techniques used in social work have become obsolete and ineffective in meeting the contemporary needs of the dynamic population. This has led to the development of new social work techniques that seek to achieve social transformation among the youth.... Continue Reading
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