• Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0612
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 83 Pages
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.3K
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The study assessed the impact of effective recruitment and selection as a medium for organisational performance in Delta State University, Abraka. A descriptive survey plan was used and data was collected through administration of structured questionnaires to the selected sample of staff at the study organization. Data was presented and analysed with tables and simple percentages while chi-square test was used for test of hypotheses. The research work revealed that effective recruitment and selection plays a major role not only on organisational performance but also in the accomplishment and achievement of organisational goals. Once effective recruitment is adopted by an organisation, the reward of effective recruitment and selection as well as its set goals will be achieved. It was therefore recommended that human resource need must be identified before carrying out recruitment and selection. Good policies and strategies must be formulated recruitment and selection of human resources.
1.1 Background to the Study
    Every morning a nation’s future is born inside a classroom; it is only at the hands of a “good” teacher that this newborn future gets to shape its outlines, define its features, and reach its full potentials. It is well known that teaching is one of the most complex professions, nevertheless; it is also one of the most morally rewarding jobs in the sense that it is teachers who own the privilege of fostering the growth and development of their students’ intellectual, emotional and physical wellbeing. A good or high- quality teacher is the corner stone of any effective educational system since he/she is considered by many parents, along with, experts in the field of education as one of the most determinant factors in students’ academic performance (Berry, Daughtery, and Weider, 2009).
In keeping with this thinking, the Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) (2005), states that "In a rigorous study of twenty eight such factors, the two most prominent were found to be directly related to the teacher”. (Wei, Darling-Hammond, Andree, Richardson, and Orphanos, 2009).
Human Resource Management is a vast term that comprises of training, recruitment, discipline, employment legislation, reward systems, development, selection, etc. Human resource management believes in flexibility in completing a given task as suggested by Wilson (2005). The dynamic process of inflow and outflow of people within any organisation is to be matched with the requirements of the organisation in function and this is generally regarded as recruitment and staffing. Recruitment and Selection is a crucial part of human resource management. The process of selecting right candidate for a particular position is known as recruitment and selection.
Despite the fact that there is almost consensus among policy makers, parents, and educational experts concerning the impact of effective teachers on the learning outcomes of the educational process, not all schools have equitable access to good or high quality teachers (Berry, et al., 2009). This fact can be the attributed to recruitment challenges that face school administrations of teachers’ selection and recruitment over the world. Consequently, there is an emerging need to examine the processes of teacher recruitment, screening, selection, and hiring which is the thrust of this study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Studies have shown that one of the major problems facing organizations is that of how to recruit capable personnel and retain them for performance. This problem has made it almost impossible for some organizations to have in their workforce qualified personnel in terms of skills, experience and educational qualifications to carry out their goals (Cascio, 2003; Olowu and Adamolekun, 2005; Gberevbie, 2008).
To overcome this negative development, organizations spend a lot of resources to put in place structures to make recruitment of qualified personnel possible. Also workout „well packaged‟ incentives to retain these qualified personnel in the employment of the organizations and good working conditions to enable them contribute meaningfully towards organizational goals. Despite these measures, the problem still persists in some organizations. What are the possible reasons and the solutions to overcome the situation?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
    The purpose of this research is obvious despite the high volume of existing literature on the impact of effective recruitment and selection to organisations. The following are the objectives of the study:
To assess the relationship between effective recruitment and selection and organizational growth.
To examine the correlation between effective recruitment and institutional ability to meeting up with its goal and objectives.
To investigate the relationship between recruitment and the rate of employees turnover.
To determine the relationship effective recruitment and selection has with employees’ job satisfaction.
1.4 Research Hypotheses
Hypotheses One
Ho: Effective recruitment and selection has no significant relationship with organizational growth.
Hi: Effective recruitment and selection has significant relationship with organizational growth.
Hypotheses Two
Ho: Effective recruitment and selection has no significant influence on attainment of organizational goals.
Hi: Effective recruitment and selection has significant influence on attainment of organizational goals.
Hypotheses Three
Ho: Effective recruitment and selection has no correlation with employees’ turnover rate.
Hi: Effective recruitment and selection has correlation with employees’ turnover rate.
Hypotheses Four
Ho: Effective recruitment and selection has no significant relationship with employees’ job satisfaction.
Hi: Effective recruitment and selection has significant relationship with employees’ job satisfaction.
1.5 Significance of the Study
    The significance of the study cannot be overemphasised. It is believed that apart from the organisation and the institution under review, this study will go a long way in helping organisation in knowing the importance of effective recruitment and selection as mechanism for improving organisation performance. It will also give an insight into the right step to follow as to achieving the best place as well as the productivity capacity of individual when effective recruitment and selection on the right jog. Again, the study will serve as a guideline to management students who wish to carry out research of this nature.      
    It is also meant to be helpful to management and staff of Delta State University (DELSU) Nigeria in the course of its operation. Essentially, this research is to guide the management of any organisation on the need for effective recruitment and selection in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
    This research covers how the impact of effective recruitment and selection will help in improving organisational performance. This research was carried out as a case study of Delta State University (DELSU). This research was carried out on the above mentioned institution with a view to find out their general policies on employee staff recruitment and selection and how it has impacted its performance. In making the research reliable and result oriented, people, journals, textbooks, experts on the field and the internet will be consulted. However, it is difficult to dwell on those materials, facts that have direct bearing on the principal subject matter or the discussion. In addition, it is subject to l imitation of information gathered. Most importantly, efforts to obtain all information needed for this research will be expensive. Cost would also be inevitable to this project.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
    To enhance the easy and better comprehension and understanding, the following key terminologies which run through the length and breadth of this research will be briefly defined.   
Effective: Mean the ability to bring about the intended result. It is the achievement of desired objectives.  
Recruitment: It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
Selection: It is defined as the process by which business chooses the most suitable person for vacant position from the list of applicants.
Human Resources: Referred to the people, skills and ability seen as something important in an organisation; the individual workforce.
Organisation: This is been referred to as a group of people who form a business club together to achieve a particular purpose and objectivise.
Institution: It means a large important organisation that has a particular purpose e.g. University.

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0612
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 83 Pages
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1.3K
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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM0612
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 83 Pages
    Methodology Chi Square
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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