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Anatomical variation in the human body presents a complex challenge to design a universal antenna for all. The presence of the human body in close proximity to the antenna also presents a challenge as the near field strongly couples with a lossy medium. Other challenges include design of an antenna that is small in size without affecting its... Continue Reading
Abstract Pneumonia has been the leading cause of death among children under the age of five in subSaharan Africa, killing more children than the number of children dying from HIV/AIDS. The current methods of diagnosing pneumonia are limited by poor sensitivity and accuracy and they are also expensive. In this project, a low-cost biomedical device... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study uses FMC and AKTH as a case study in order to assess the knowledge, practices and attitudes of waste handlers on biomedical waste management. The study investigates the major problems associated with management and handling practices and the possible solutions to tackle those problems. Based on the findings from this study,... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Communication means extending information form one person to another in a way in which it can be understood. Information and ideas in technical and scientific fields can very often be more easily communicated through sketching or instrument drawing and blueprint reading. Drawing involves describing the shape and size of an object. ... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Communication means extending information form one person to another in a way in which it can be understood. Information and ideas in technical and scientific fields can very often be more easily communicated through sketching or instrument drawing and blueprint reading. Drawing involves describing the shape and size of an object.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was chosen in order to determine the need for the application of value analysis and value Engineering in cost reduction. It will x-ray the gains, benefits and contributions of value analysis and value Engineering in Bottling industries with special reference to Nigerian Bottling Company Owerri.  The topic in question... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT             This project is concerned write the identification of those defects that are found in most of the drawing tables in the Mechanical Engineering drawing studio.             The report investigates the possible ways through which the mentioned above can be brought back to normal standard for usage ins the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is concerned write the identification of those defects that are found in most of the drawing tables in the Mechanical Engineering drawing studio. The report investigates the possible ways through which the mentioned above can be brought back to normal standard for usage... Continue Reading
PREFACE A new machine/equipment will provide satisfactory service if kept in proper operating condition. The inevitability of less than 100% reliability of any machine/equipment after some period and maintenance. Also in system of any complexity, certain replacement adjustments are... Continue Reading
Abstract Value Analysis/Value Engineering is a systematic and organized procedural decision-making process. It has been used in almost any kind of application. It helps people creatively generate alternatives to secure essential functions at the greatest worth as opposed to costs. This is referred to as value. It is also known as Value Analysis,... Continue Reading
                  THE EFFECT OF BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING ON THE ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    Background of the Study Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the analysis and design of workflow and process within an organization. According to Davenport (1990) a business process is a set of logically... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Most organizations are deploying e-business solutions because of its numerous advantages, such as, increased productivity, reduced transactions costs, wider coverage and increased speed to market. The present academic offices in developing countries still use paper-based approach for most of their activities. Data and information are... Continue Reading
HUMAN RESOURCES ISSUES IN BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING (A CASE STUDY OF SHELL PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT, COMPANY) PROPOSAL These research work is all about human research issues in business process res-engineering a case study of shell petroleum development company. The research aims to achieve a number of objectives, to determine the impact of... Continue Reading
REPAIR OF DEEP FREEZER ABSTRACT This work gives an account of all activities carried out to restore a faulty and abandoned deep freezer to normal functioning. This report therefore contains the different stages embarked in the execution of the project. These include the literature back ground, checking’s conducted, cleaning, repair operations... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A significant revolution with computers’ usage in civil engineering business and construction process has been presented. Computers reduce all the extensive work specifically through the introduction of programs and software. Lately, software development has effectively contributed in various civil engineering disciplines, as it... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Most organizations are deploying e-business solutions because of its numerous advantages, such as, increased productivity, reduced transactions costs, wider coverage and increased speed to market. The present academic offices in developing countries still use paper-based approach for most of their activities. Data and information are... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT To control the traffic during the data transmission with out any loss of packets using genetic algorithm. In this the packets are transferred by frames using mac layer. So Error correction can be easily done. Genetic algorithm based train simulation using concurrent engineering” control over a single wired lane network, the project... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Rework has become a menace in engineering procurement and construction projects in Nigerian oil and gas field. This study investigated the underlying causes of rework in construction projects and the impact on overall project performance so that effective containment and reduction strategies can be developed. The research was motivated by... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work focuses on the application of matrix in solutions of some physical problems in science and engineering which arise in every human endeavor. This project work attempt to present some physical problems from the selected field (aspect)... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT To control the traffic during the data transmission with out any loss of packets using genetic algorithm. In this the packets are transferred by frames using mac layer. So Error correction can be easily done. Genetic algorithm based train simulation using concurrent engineering” control over a single wired lane network, the project... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Social engineering is one of the most common attacking vectors in mobile money transactions. With the increasing rate of mobile money use, it has directly increased the number of social engineering incidents in mobile money services. It is therefore important to evolve a framework for detecting malicious and phishing messages. This could... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In the mechanical engineering department of institute of management and technology there are many machines but it is not all that is functioning well. This may airless as a   result of lack of maintenance which is a prove in the breakdown of the air conditioner. The quality and effectiveness of materials were mated very well as referred... Continue Reading
CERTIFICATIONi DECLARATION AND COPYRIGTHii ABSTRACTiii Dedicationiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTv Table of Contentsvi LIST OF TABLESix CHAPTER ONE1 1.1 Introduction1 1.2 Motivation statement3 1.3 Problem statement5 1.4 Objective of the study6 1.4.1   Specific objectives6 1.4.2 Research question7 1.5 Scope of the project:7 1.6 Expected outcome of the project8... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Mechanical Engineering Department of the named Institute has many non – operational malhiues. Sequel to the fact, maintenance was poorly excuted which resulted to the breakdown deep freezer. Quality and effectiveness of machine maintenance were well observed. Also, a minimized maintenance and a highly successful repair was adopted. In... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of effluent discharges from various point-loads on a purposively selected receiving river, the self-recovery ability of the river and the treatability of both the discharges and the receiving stream in a heavily industrialized community. The work involved field survey of industries producing and discharging... Continue Reading
CERTIFICATION i DECLARATION AND COPYRIGTH ii ABSTRACT iii Dedication iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v Table of Contents vi LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Motivation statement 3 1.3 Problem statement 5 1.4 Objective of the study 6 1.4.1 Specific objectives 6 1.4.2 Research question 7 1.5 Scope of the project: 7 1.6 Expected outcome of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Mechanical Engineering Department of the Institute of Management and Technology has many non – functional machines. This is caused as a result of poor maintenance culture, which in turn resulted to breakdown of the Deep Freezer under review.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  Mechanical Engineering Department of the named Institute has many non – operational malhiues. Sequel to the fact, maintenance was poorly excuted which resulted to the breakdown deep freezer. Quality and effectiveness of machine maintenance were well observed. Also, a minimized maintenance and a highly successful  repair was adopted.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This work is titled 'Communicative Language Needs of Nigerian Engineering Students: Implication for Curriculum Development. It was carried out in order to have an insight into the English programme offered to Engineering students of Nigerian universities. The study sets out among other things, to determine the communicative language... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT The world is fast becoming a global village due to the effect of globalization and rapid growth in technology. This has enabled information sharing among various people of the world, thereby solving basic societal problems and... Continue Reading
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