Project Request: Impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria

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ABSTRACT This study examined and analysed the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria. It adopted the secondary data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period 1985 to 2010. The study employed the modern Time Series of the Ordinary Least Square to test for the relationship between agriculture and economic growth in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examined and analysed the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria. It adopted the secondary data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period 1985 to 2010. The study employed the modern Time Series of the Ordinary Least Square to test... Continue Reading
Abstract This study examined and analysed the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria. It adopted the secondary data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period 1985 to 2010. The study employed the modern Time Series of the Ordinary Least Square to test... Continue Reading
 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the studyAgriculture   is   the   foundation   and   bedrock   upon   which   the   development   of   stable   humancommunity   has   depended   on   throughout   the   whole   universe   such   as   rural   and   urbancommunities.  It  is   concerned   with ... Continue Reading
Abstract The study examines the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 to 2014. Agriculture played a dominant role in the economic growth of the country, providing employment opportunity, raw materials for industries and providing foreign exchange earnings for the country. Though little emphasis was placed on agricultural... Continue Reading
Abstract The study examines the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 to 2014. Agriculture played a dominant role in the economic growth of the country, providing employment opportunity, raw materials for industries and providing foreign exchange earnings for the country. Though little emphasis was placed on agricultural... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the studyAgriculture is the foundation and bedrock upon which the development of stable humancommunity has depended on throughout the whole universe such as rural and urbancommunities. It is concerned with the husbandry of crops and animals for food and otherpurpose. The study of the history of economics provides us... Continue Reading
: (1978-2007) ABSTRACT The impact of public expenditure on agriculture in Nigeria is enormous. Government having recognized agriculture as the second highest sector after oil of which the country depends for food, employment and foreign exchange. This project work... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to determine the role of agriculture in economic growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria. The data used were collected from the statistical bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria and World Bank’s development indicators, and covered the period of 33 years ranging from 1981 to 2014. Multiple regression was... Continue Reading
The study focused on Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia (1991-2011) Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Agriculture in Somalia (1999-2011, to establish the trend of Economic growth of Somalia (1999-2011), to investigate the effect Agriculture on Economic growth in Somalia (1999-2011). The hypothesis of the study was there is no... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study focused on Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia (1991-2011) Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Agriculture in Somalia (1999-2011, to estabiish the trend of Economic growth of Somalia (1999-2011), to investigate the effect Agriculture on Economic growth in Somalia (1999-2011). The hypothesis of the study was... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS x ABSTRACT xi CHAP1ER. ONE8~18~.0.00. .......~1. 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.1.1 Historical perspective 1 1.1.2 Conceptual perspective 4 1.1.3 Theoretical perspective 5 1.1.4 Contextual... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The growth of Nigeria’s non-oil exports has been sluggish and non-encouraging in the post-independence period. It averaged about 2.3% during 1960 to 1990 but in relative terms, declined systematically as proportion of total exports fell from about 40% in 1970 to about 5% in 2010, World Bank, 2011. A well-developed export... Continue Reading
LIST OF TABLE Unit Root Test for Stationarity ------------------------------------------- Co-integration Result ------------------------------------------------------  Modeling Log of Differenced GDP by OLS -------------------------- Modeling Log of Differenced INV by OLS ------------------------ Summary of t-statistic test for model 1... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION    1.1    Background to the Study  Industrialization has been regarded as a veritable channel of achieving lofty and desirable goals of improved technology and improved quality of lives of the citizens of the country. Countries develop their industrial sectors for many reasons:  (i) industries have more backward... Continue Reading
(1986-2011) ABSTRACT The research work will discuss in detail the impact of taxation on Economic growth in Nigeria. It will also take cognizance of the aims and objectives of taxation and its impact on the economic growth of Nigeria. It also aimed at identifying problems that inhibit the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is on the assessment of the impact of  industrialization on economic growth of Nigeria. The study however investigates the economic growth vis-à-vis industrial output, investment and inflation. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is used to estimate the three major macroeconomic variables with a view  to... Continue Reading
(1986-2011) ABSTRACT The research work will discuss in detail the impact of taxation on Economic growth in Nigeria. It will also take cognizance of the aims and objectives of taxation and its impact on the economic growth of Nigeria. It also aimed at identifying problems that inhibit the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Oil and Gas Taxation is a major source of revenue for the Federal Government of Nigeria to meet its statutory obligations of ensuring the economic development of Nigeria. It assists the government to achieve the country’s macroeconomic objective in the areas of fiscal and monetary policies.However,it has been observed that non-provision... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work was conducted to investigate the impact of the oil industry on the economic growth performance of Nigeria. In the process of the research, the ordinary least square (OLS) regression technique was employed. Considering the impact of time on changes in economic variables, the analysis was carried out using the simple... Continue Reading
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