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(A CASE STUDY OF POWER HOLDING COMPANY OF NIGERIA PHCN) ABSTRACT Autocratic leadership style is a system of leadership in which the leaders use in controlling the subordinates, has unrestricted power, it is a centralized system of administration whose nature is always forceful on... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF POWER HOLDING COMPANY OF NIGERIA PHCN) ABSTRACT Autocratic leadership style is a system of leadership in which the leaders use in controlling the subordinates, has unrestricted power, it is a centralized system of administration whose nature is always forceful on... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY (A CASE STUDY OF POWER HOLDING COMPANY OF NIGERIA PHCN) ABSTRACT Autocratic leadership style is a system of leadership in which the leaders use in controlling the subordinates, has unrestricted power, it is a centralized system of administration whose nature is always forceful on... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT 8 The study examined the impact of leadership styles on task performance in the micro-finance industry. The study is a quantitative in nature and adopted a cross-sectional research approach. With a sample of 118 employee sampled from Micro-finance firms and were drawn using the convenience sample technique. The researcher gathered data on... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research was carried out to examine the Perception of Management's Leadership Style and Employee Satisfaction in the Study of 50 SMEs in Lagos State . The notable objectives for this study include measuring the leadership styles in the selected SMEs in Lagos state. Examining the level of employees' job satisfaction. Examining the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research was carried out to examine the Perception of Management's Leadership Style and Employee Satisfaction in the Study of 50 SMEs in Lagos State . The notable objectives for this study include measuring the leadership styles in the selected SMEs in Lagos state. Examining the level of employees' job satisfaction. Examining the... Continue Reading
IN VITA FOAM LIMITED (A CASE STUDY OF VITA FOAM LIMITED, KADUNA)   ABSTRACT The confined success enjoyed by many organizations is derived from balances that are achieved in terms of goals of both the employees and management of the organization through effective... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF MANAGER’S LEADERSHIP STYLE ON THE SECRETARY’S PRODUCTIVITY ANAMMCO TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Statement of the study 1.3 Objective of the study 1.4 Limitation of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Research question 1.7 Significance of the study 1.8 Definition to terms CHAPTER TWO... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background to the Study Leadershipis a very important management function that involves harnessing of human and material resources for the attainment of organizational goals. Leadership has been viewed by many authors as a process whereby an individual exerts influence upon others in an organizational context.... Continue Reading
Leadership Styles and their Impact on Employee Productivity (A case study of Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company) Abstract This project work is primarily covered with Leadership Style and their impact on employee productivity. A case study of Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company Kachia Road, Kilometer 16 Kaduna South, Kaduna. The first... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work is primarily covered with Leadership Style and their impact on employee productivity. A case study of Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company Kachia Road, Kilometer 16 Kaduna South, Kaduna. The first part of the project work introduces the reader to what extent leadership style have on employee productivity with... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work is primarily covered with Leadership Style and their impact on employee productivity. A case study of Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company Kachia Road, Kilometer 16 Kaduna South, Kaduna. The first part of the project work introduces the reader to what extent leadership style have on employee productivity with... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the study of the effect of managers leadership style on the secretary\'s productivity. In order to do this the following research question were used. a.Does leadership styles effect secretary\'s productivity b.Is the leadership style adopted by your office manager contributing to the achievement of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the study of the effect of managers leadership style on the secretary’s productivity. In order to do this the following research question were used. a.Does leadership styles effect secretary’s productivity b.Is the leadership style adopted by your office manager contributing to the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the study of the effect of managers leadership style on the secretary’s productivity. In order to do this the following research question were used. a.Does leadership styles effect secretary’s productivity b.Is the leadership style adopted by your office manager contributing to the achievement of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the study of the effect of managers leadership style on the secretary’s productivity. In order to do this the following research question were used. a. Does leadership styles effect secretary’s productivity b. Is the leadership style adopted by your office manager contributing to the achievement of... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF UNILEVER (NIG) PLC, LAGOS) CHAPTER ONE 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Leadership has been defined as the ability of an individual to influence the act or the process influencing people so that they will strive willingly toward the achievement of group goal (koontz O’Donnet and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Going through the present in investigation on the effects of leadership style on management of an organization many findings and result were made in the service and finace oriented organizations. The results postulated that leadership style affects management patterns in the organization which in turn acts as a motivational actor to high... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Going through the present in investigation on the effects of leadership style on management of an organization many findings and result were made in the service and finace oriented organizations. The results postulated that leadership style affects management patterns in the organization which in turn acts as a motivational actor to high... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research study “ (A STUDY OF UNION BANK PLC)”was conducted to investigate how leadership styles impacts the performance of an organization, examining the attitudes and behavior of a leader and his carries out his role and responsibility in pioneering the affairs of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Going through the present in investigation on the effects of leadership style on management of an organization many findings and result were made in the service and finace oriented organizations. The results postulated that leadership style affects management patterns in the organization which in turn acts as a motivational actor to high... Continue Reading
A CASE STUDY OF NKALAGU CEMENT COMPANY (NIGERCEM) PLC PROPOSAL This research on an appraisal of leadership styles and its effectiveness in organizational performance with particular reference to NIGERCEM company Nkalagu, Enugu state is intending to determine and... Continue Reading
CASE STUDY BETA GLASS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY An essential part of assignment is co-coordinating the activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goods and objective of the organization. This involves the process of leadership and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The theme of the study is an evaluation of leadership style and its effects on employee’s attitude (a case study of Nike Lake Resort Hotel, Enugu).  Inadequate information and misconceptions about leadership styles that is appropriate in organizational structure perse have led to several ugly consequences strike actions, creation of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most times... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every  organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most... Continue Reading
PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS EFFECT ON ORGANIATIONAL PERFORMANCE  CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction Leadership is a complex research area across all sectors be it private or public. There is ambiguity over which styles and behaviors are the most effective for organizational performance. There are difficulties in linking LG Finances... Continue Reading
A CASE STUDY OF NKALAGU CEMENT COMPANY (NIGERCEM) PLC PROPOSAL This research on an appraisal of leadership styles and its effectiveness in organizational performance with particular reference to NIGERCEM company Nkalagu, Enugu state is intending to determine and... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF KOGI STATE CIVIL SERVICE) ABSTRACT This research thesis is about the impact of leadership style and employees performance in the organization. The objective of this research work is to create knowledge about the relationship that exists between effect of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every  organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most... Continue Reading
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