TABLE CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction Retaining walls Cantilever rw Rankin theory Forces on cantilever rw Counterfort rw Forces on counterfort rw The gravity rw Forces on gravity rw Semi gravity rw CHAPTER TWO Stability of retaining wall Soil properties of rws Drainage in rw Allowable bearing capacity... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT One of the major problems facing the country is pavement failure. It is the concern of the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) authorities to carryout a case study of pavement failure along Hillview off ESBS Road Enugu. The investigation show that... Continue Reading
ROUTE SURVEY OF ROAD AND PAVEMENT DESIGN (REHABILITATION/MODERNIZATION) CASE STUDY: ROAD LINKING FEDERAL SECRETARIAT INDUSTRIAL CENTRE AND MASS COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT (IMT CAMPUS III), ENUGU ABSTRACT The study cover a view and a detailed explanation of the modification required to be carried out on the main access road linkage of the Campus III... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work on the water drainage problems (A case study of IMT campus 3 Enugu), the scope of this research work covers every activity which has to do with the drainage problems, background to the subject matter, rational for the study and the limitations of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRAT Groundwater hydrology may be defined as the science of the occurrence distribution, and movement of water below the surface of the earth. Geochydrology has an identical connotation, and hydrogeology differs only by its greater emphasis on geology. Utilization of groundwater dates from... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Construction safety culture have attracted some research attention over the years, but the way in which safety practices affect the productivity and functioning of workers requires some attention in construction projects. The purpose of this study is to determine... Continue Reading
PREFACE The whole information conveyed in this book has been planned and written for proper understanding of structural detailing of a building. The approach in this book is to provide the readers sound and basic knowledge in structural detailing in a building. Consequently, I have given more details... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The work has gone a long way in determining strength of concrete made of various aggregates such as granites stone, black gravel, washed gravel and surface gravel. Some factors such as porosity of the aggregate temperature coursing lose of water plate form... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In the sense that the materials involved in this project were capital intensive more especially cement, so in carrying out the work one must have to be careful in the selection and collection of materials to be used in the casting of the concrete. The materials used are coarse aggregate... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The ignorant of the effect of sewage effluent on the permeability and other engineering properties of soil has to a level, reduced the pace of development in terms of technology. The wide use of soil, irrespective of the type in virtually all civil engineering projects across the... Continue Reading
BASIC SOIL TEST ON SUB-GRADE SOIL MATERIAL & FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN ON ROAD LINKING – UGWUAJI AND CAMPUS M, IMT; ENUGU, ENUGU STATE PREFACE This case study is an existing pathway or fort path linking Ugwuji and Campus 111 (IMT) for a proposed road construction by the government of Enugu State. This project encloses the following - The... Continue Reading
PREFACE This is presentation of information on the detailing of structural members in Buildings. Structural detailing is a branch of structural work that transposes the ideal or works of a Structural Engineer in working drawings for easy utilization in the building... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION This work was to present in one weight, the fundamental and practical information in the filed of the comparative analysis of the strength of concrete made from various aggregate which may be useful to people involve in civil and structural... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Definition of a panel door 1.2 Classification of a door 1.3 Objectives of the project 1.4 Significance of the project CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Timber 2.1 Definition of timber 2.2 Growth of timber 2.3 Types of timber 2.4 Conversion of timber 2.5 Methods of conversion... Continue Reading
COMPARING THE STRENGHT AS BLOCKS MADE FROM (1) CEMENT AND LATERITIC SOIL (2) CEMENT AND RED EARTH (3) LATERITE, SAND AND RED EARTH ABSTRACT This case study is “comparing the strength of blocks made from: cement stabilized laterite blocks, cement stabilized red earth blocks and sand, red earth and laterite blocks and mud blocks dried in the kiln.... Continue Reading
STRUCTURAL DETAILING IN REINFORCED CONCRETE OF A THREE BEDROOM DETACH DUPLEX, IN AZUIYIOKWU ABAKALIKI EBONYI STATE PREFACE In structural detailing, the project is initiated by the structural engineer. The architectural drawings are prepared by the architect to the required scale and specification given to him by the client. The structural engineer... Continue Reading
TABLE CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction Retaining walls Cantilever rw Rankin theory Forces on cantilever rw Counterfort rw Forces on counterfort rw The gravity rw Forces on gravity rw CHAPTER TWO Stability of retaining wall Soil properties of rws Drainage in rw Allowable bearing capacity CHAPTER THREE... Continue Reading
STRUCTURAL DETAILING OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURE – DUPLEX BUILDING FOR MR INNOCENT I. AZUOBU IN NO 12 UGO – DAN STREETAZUIYIOKWU ABAKALIKI PREFACE In structural detailing, the project is initiated by the structural Engineer. The Architectural drawings are prepared by the Archived to the required scale and specification given to him by... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project covers a view and detailed explanation of the route survey which in chider reconnaissance surrey, theologize traversing and levelling operation as well as soil tests which includes... Continue Reading
STRATEGIES PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF REFUSE MANAGEMENT A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU METROPOLIS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Statement of problem 1.2 Objective of the study 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical framework 2.2... Continue Reading
PREFACE This project is mainly concerned with the presentation of information basically on the structural detailing of reinforced concrete members of a story building, in a sloppy land with a retaining wall. Structural detailing is a branch of structural work that... Continue Reading
STRUCTURAL DETAILING IN REINFORCED CONCRETE OF A THREE BEDROOM DETACH DUPLEX, IN AZUIYIOKWU ABAKALIKI EBONYI STATE PREFACE In structural detailing, the project is initiated by the structural engineer. The architectural drawings are prepared by the architect to the required scale and specification given to him by the client. The structural engineer... Continue Reading
. ABSTRACT This project involves the route survey which includes: reconnaissance survey, theodolite traversing and leveling operations as well as soil tests which includes; plastic limit test, liquid limit tests and moisture content determination, compaction tests and California bearing ratio tests.... Continue Reading
. PREFACE This is the presentation of an information on the structural reinforcement detailing of concrete members. Structural detailing is a branch of structural work that transposes the idea or works of a structural engineer into working drawing or easy... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The relevance of road to life and its activities cannot be over emphasized. Road is as old as the origin of man and plays a vital role in the life of the people in communities, states, countries. It is quite obvious that life would have been very difficult... Continue Reading